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  1. give yourself permission.. go ahead and… ?
    what is it with ppl they have to say i'm going go Ahead and.. they can't just say i'm going to _ _ _ _

    does somebody think there's a chance somebody might go BACK ?

  2. Just bought 2 of these at my local Turners. I'm pretty happy with them, and they do look a little funny on camera but they're actually pretty cool installed and in front of u. Thumbs up my friend

  3. Hey Alan,
    I got FRS-15 and there's a gap after installing it. Noway to get around it since it will prohibit the spring from functioning if i forced it. Any idea how to fix this gap? Thanks!

  4. “Fill the hole” yes it is silly. The first time someone gets arrested for some ridiculous violation in a restricted state the NRA should use it full resources to hire the best lawyers to clear the person of all charges and then sue all the participating people and agencies in the arrest of that person. If a rifle is more than 26 inches OAL it should not matter what stock is on it.

  5. How different is it to install a Gen III? It would be great if you added a video specific to the Gen III to address the differences. Also, as a suggestion for the video shoot itself, add a little more lateral light (from both sides, if you can help it) to improve contrast and parts visibility.

    [Here is a link for GenIII install from a fan of yours:

  6. I’m absolutely worried that in a few years or so, the 2nd Amendment will no longer exist in California; or it will merely exist as an extinction of ideas, once penned by our Amazing Forefathers in the “Bill of Rights!” It’s a slippery slope that California State Legislatures continue to go down, always going “Left” instead of compromising on the “Middle of the Road!” These ridiculous Anti Gun Laws are just making it easier for criminals to continue getting guns, while making it continually more difficult to impossible, for Law-Abiding citizens to purchase guns for recreation, competition, and most importantly, Self Defense – against the criminals who are better armed than most gun stores, Law Enforcement & California’s National Guard!!! I wish I could get the hell out of this fucked up State! Unfortunately, I’m not in the position to leave this Communist shit hole State as of now ~ It’s just not that easy to pack up and leave!

    Sorry, I digress! The Thordsen Stocks IMHO are the best of any “Featureless” accessory on the market. If you’re converting your AR’s to “Featureless” the Thordsen FRS-15 Stocks, especially the GEN III, is an absolutely amazing design, functionally superior to most other “Featureless” stocks, and by far, the most comfortable “Featureless” stock available on the market. Plus, it also looks aesthetically far better than all the other crap and junk you constantly see every time you’re at a gun range! I should probably start a “Go Fund Me” Account to help pay, to get my ass on the next flight out of this Communist State. Hopefully, those of you who still get to enjoy the Freedoms of 2nd Amendment, can help bank-roll my exit from the “Arm Pit of the United States”, Commufornia!

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