Home AR-15 'AR-15-type' weapons used to ambush 3 people at N. Harris Co. gas...

'AR-15-type' weapons used to ambush 3 people at N. Harris Co. gas pump, killing 2, sheriff says


Investigators said three men, believed to be in their 20s, were sitting inside their vehicle at the gas pump when three masked men began opening fire with AR-15-type weapons.

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  1. This is sad and I pray that God covers the family.. but what's crazy to me is I feel that the ppl that did it is still around the store like they came back just to see and make sure. This is sad God watch over us and cover us in your blood

  2. 1:42 Loke O said, not the rifles fault! It's the communities fault! They hear it all the time! Yet they continue to vote for corrupt democrats to run the city! You all aren't using this to take away our rights!

  3. Quanell x defending black people for dumb reasons but what about the black people doing crimes like robbing inoccent people who work for their money.commiting crimes.every time you turn on the tv u all u see commiting crimes are 70 percent are black

  4. Just wait till the American Cartels raise up and start operating in the US like their counterparts do in Mexico then y’all finally gonna realize all this crime and violence ain’t just random like the news media makes it seem. America doesn’t have a gun problem they have an organized crime syndicate problem that is also international and loves having a certain political party in office. Just wait y’all about to see why all us legal gun owning citizens Obama joked about have been stockpiling. We predicted this way back and got ready while the rest of ya with nothing were listening to the news media.

  5. Democrat Judges keep letting violent, repeat offenders out to prey on innocent citizens. It's time for citizens to protect themselves. We have that right according to our Constitution.

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