Today, Jon Patton is breaking down the new ATF pistol stabilizing brace rule!
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  1. until the 88 million gun owners in this country hit the streets and demand all of this tyranny and terrorism stop immediately in ALL states in the land! and all the traitors and terrorists in the country, ie. all the democratic politicians resign their positions, we WILL NEVER BE A FREE NATION AGAIN! America has fallen and everyone does nothing! just like they want you too! we are the most power group of individuals on earth! 88 MILLION PEOPLE of GUN CULTURE! #RisforRESISTANCE

  2. So it's estimated that 10-40 million people have these. If we assume that 20,000,000 of them decide to do a form 1, and we assume that the ATF would be able to process 1 form a minute, it would only take the them a little over 38 years to get through them all…. Sounds reasonable.

  3. If someone registers a braced pistol as an SBR, can they then remove the brace and put a real buttstock on the rifle so it's a real SBR, or are they going to distinguish between SBRs and Brace-SBRs?

  4. Lauren Bobert will probably bring forth a bill to stop the ATF power grab (I hope) ATF is DOJ is Bidens so called (A W) banning arm to go around congress. This is another attempt to piss off and demoralize the 2A community. No trust for the ATF. They change the rules too often. This is change #5 for braces. Donkey Dicks !

  5. The ATF farts and smells it and enjoys it.. Straight savages!!! I'm so sick of these 🤡 . Some tyrannical actions going on here. This happens cause they continue to let the piece by piece take are rights away .1984 is coming to a America near you. I need the small arms the government has equally ground. Just like Uncle Joe said you need a nuke to take a country over. Then why so worried? 🤔

  6. 85 videos on rule on 1st day …
    what about if you already have sbr and suppressors registered ?
    might as well non abide to speed limits and any law not in the original amendments …..
    this is a legal issue ….pass laws ..fight laws…pass other laws ….fight laws …..its what happens as long as we have 2 separate political views and lawmakers and supreme court

  7. I would first like to say the whole thing is stupid and the NFA should be repealed. That being said, some blame has to be place on firearm companies and guntubers. They were happy enough to leave braces alone until the community kept pushing down their throats that it was a loop hole. It's hard to find any content creator that doesn't have multiple videos shouldering a brace and every firearms manufacturer has braced versions or brace specific weapons. Sometimes you gotta know when to stop flaunting something and just enjoy it being there.

  8. I have no intention of complying. This is so unconstitutional it's funny. If the ATF was dumb enough to try and enforce this, that would give you the standing you would need to take it to the SCOTUS. There by calling into question the constitutionality of the NFA and or the GCA. Under Heller this would qualify as common use and under Bruen there is no text, history or tradition of regulating accessories. The ATF does not regulate accessories only firearms, hence why they had to classify suppressors as firearms to shoehorn it into the NFA

  9. Ok, so I'm reading a lot of comments about non-compliance.
    I'm not arguing about that, at all.
    But the biggest way to fight this, is like what is going on in Illinoise. Except at the State level. Pressure the hell out of your local republicans to pass bills that state they will not comply. Some states have even taken it so far as to start pushing bills that would order local law enforcement to ARREST federal agents acting upon Unconstitutional restrictions.
    I know that MO has passed a bill that will Fine the hell out of any LE that works alongside the feds in gun control matters. More states need to adopt this attitude, and start pushing back.

  10. While I wish the nfa didn’t exist like everyone else, I’m still taking the tax exempt stamps. I live in a state that requires pistol registration, and I have several suppressors and sbr’s already. So I could care less about a registry

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