Home AR-15 Scope Magnification Explained and Resolution

Scope Magnification Explained and Resolution


Scope Magnification and Resolution explained. Rifle scopes for beginners is one of the scope series I’m most proud of . And I hope this video helps with your scope shopping tips .

Mil vs MOA video .

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  1. Thank you Joe! You take ideas that could be complicated and make them easy to understand. Your analogies are great and make your explanations concise. I'm a retired high school teacher and I'm positive you would be wonderful in a classroom. Keep up the good work!

  2. I found that the wider end of the scope was better for me for field operations. I hardly ever go higher then 12-15 power and I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve done used the 24 power that my Viper has and only to check groups at 100 yards.

  3. Love your videos. So I'm just getting into the PCP arena. Looking for a scope for my .22 AEA Challenger Pro. Lets say my target is about the size of a Pidgeon at 60 yards. I'm thinking of a Leupold VX3-HD 3.5-10. Either a 40 or 50mm. Any concerns? I'm choosing Leupold because I have a friend that works there and I get deep discounts. Thanks.

  4. I love your honesty and bluntness. I’ve learned SO MUCH from your videos!!! The information you provide is priceless!!!

    It’s been 30 years since I’ve done any long distant shooting, your videos have relit my fire to start again. Your reviews of current equipment has also help.

    Keep up the honest reviews


  5. My budget for Scopes was just used-$142 for a 3x9x50 from Pyramyd! It should be at my front door on Friday, and on my Hatsan B65SL .35- Thanks to your review. I bet you could nail that "Gnats " ass at 100 yards. Your awesome Popeye…

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