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Great video, just can't stand your smacking and breathing
Thanks a lot for the video, you sure make it look real simple, some other you tubers make it look like rocket science!!!
Awesome set up. I just bought my vortex gen II scope and I wanted to know what scope rings do you guys recommend? A link would help. Much appreciated
I will never put a scope on my M1A, it is not designed for it. If I want a scope on my 308, I would just get AR-10 variant.
Its so cool how intricate all the inner workings of a gun line up to let people do stuff like this, people thinking 800 steps ahead to engineer these things. We humans are so damn smart
Great video! Thanks! One thing. If you are installing a Smith Enterprises extended bolt release, do that FIRST before you install the Sadlak scope mount. If the scope mount is installed, it's impossible to get the pin out for the bolt release.
Praise god. Thank you!
Lol your name yeah socal is something else lol
You did a great job explaining, better than the Sadlak video. I'm just going to leave my M1A with iron sights. I'll just buy a Winchester Model 70 if I want a scoped rifle.
Did you put an scope on it? Did you shoot it? Did your scope viberate like The one by BadAce does? Thanks
Thank you! Funny fact I only bought a M1A because of an anime
I wish you put a scope on it and show how it looks. Does it have any advantage over the scope mount by springfield?
What's the name of all the tools used
What size punch did you use to remove the stripper clip guide. I'm having a hell of a time getting that pin out.
Hey guys my brother got me a Fucking glock from expansion2 on wickr thanks bro for the delivery….
Can you still use the iron sights with this scope mount?
I mean if you take the scope off the mount is the iron sights still useful
Great video. Thanks for posting.
I can assure you that fucking stripper clip roll pin does not come it with a couple light taps, you'd think that thing was welded on.
Can we get a link to find the mount?
Can you see irons with this mount?
I am missing the part where you torqued the screws to recommended tolerances.
“Safety Sallys” LOL.
Did a good job explaining. It helped me out.
Kinda late but does any one know the name of the tool he used to hammer the pin out, thank you.
Im having issues with the scope mount holding my vortex strike eagle 1-8x off to the left how can i center the optic better ?
This was my issue weapon back in 1963. Good to see you can modify it for scope, your vid was clear and concise and to the point, no boolshid,
Looks very solid.Great job and thanks for the video.
Please tell me you did not use red Loctite?
GREAT instructional video! Thank YOU! After watching and listening to your video, I think I might HAVE to HAVE one of these! Your voice and word pronunciation sound so much like Donald Sutherland's Hawkeye Pierce character in the 1970's movie, "M.A.S.H." This is a COMPLIMENT and NOT a COMPLAINT!
How about better lighting?
Sounds like some people that I've installed this on their rifle has had ejection problems. Has anybody else heard that?
can you see through the U notch to use iron sights if need be?
Definitely appreciate this video. Never had an understanding of how these types of scope mounts worked. I always thought it was just the one screw on the side that held it in place. To me that didn't seem very secure. I had thought of buying a 2nd rifle with a rail milled onto the receiver to mount an optic. After watching this I see they are definitely secure & I'll be buying one of these mounts asap.
I fought with my Sadlak on my SOCOM for months, then gave up about a year ago. I am going to try again, using your video and some of the comments from below as a guide. Wish me luck. I'll let you know how it works out. Maybe Sadlak should have thought of this.
I have broke 4 punches trying to get that pin out. Anyone els have trouble?
Yep, put an ‘Airborne’ model on my Standard M1A a while back. SOLID, Quality piece for sure. Put some Vortex LOW 1” rings on it for my older Redfield 3-9X40…
The main hex screw stripped out on mine during installation so I am pissed. Ordered a replacement screw from a different company so I will see how that goes.
Right on, I just got my M1A and want to put an optic on it…great info!…… KEEP ON ROCKIN IT …WTF SoCal….
Have the exact same set up, same rifle same mount love it!
Just finished watching April 2019. First, thank you for not doing the silly thing so many do making an instructional video, showing the packaging with some very long narrative that goes nowhere, THEN, slowing opening packaging and repeating much of the same 1/2 hr. prior, THEN FINALLY 45 mins later what really folks are looking for, a no nonsense get to the point [ how to]. KUDOS putting a great instructional video together! Second, I've been pondering what mount to hang on my M1A1 for some time. The best of the best is replacement of receiver, a one piece assy. with mount, downside, being in the neighborhood of $900.00, that's out for me. SADLAK looks to be a cost effective, positive lockdown mounted to rifle I've seen yet! The Gen 4 Springfield mount looks to be a constant maintenance concern keeping in place. Had a very bad experience with a scope mount from BSquare on a mini-14. I see of the similar with the Gen 4 Springfield vs BSquare. Thanks again for a great video! Cheers!
Thanks for the video!!
Can you remove the bolt with the mount on?
I installed mine everything lined up straight. During ejection the spent cases ride along the underside of the mount and the rim jams in front of the OP rod and mount before it can close on the next round. 100% failure rate. With mount off runs 100%. Sa just recently replaced my bolt and all parts related, ejector and spring and extractor. After 200 painfull rounds the mount is chewed up where the cases get jammed. Sending back to amazon
Does this mount center the scope on the rifle?
Low mounts aren't smart depending on the scope you want to use. Iron sights get in the way