Home AR-15 Cop Gets AR-15 Stolen From Him. Story Is Wild

Cop Gets AR-15 Stolen From Him. Story Is Wild


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  1. Like a guy said 35 years ago, 95% of the people in prison aren't there because of good police work, they are there because somebody switched on them. A large majority of them stupid MFers snitched on themselves because they were not smart enough to not talk to the police.

  2. I stopped watching this channel quite awhile ago because I’m not the least bit interested in a channel that feel’s it is so cool that folks will go out and purchase absolute trash just because buddy say’s so.
    What an absolutely arrogant tit.
    As I said, I stopped watching this channel because I’m sick to death of these shit commercial’s for a shit usually, made in china product that no one would ever be remotely interested in.
    So I stopped by for a look to see if said shit products are still being flogged, and… Oh… More pathetic commercials…
    For F#ck Sake’s I wasn’t wrong.
    Dude still shilling trash.
    This, uhm dude might as well put on some frilly pink panties and a tube top with some goofy clear plastic stilettos and with neon pink painted toes.
    This fella is such a desperate whore that even desperate whores feel he should stop being such a desperate whore and stop floggin’ his dignity for the pennies s/he gets.
    It’s obvious that Mr Pink Panties isn’t interested in my click or watch dough and it seems s/he’s more interested in driving men away from the channel.
    Or maybe not… Right?
    Again… Anyway, s/he obviously is trying to drive viewership and subscriptions into the shitter.
    I’ll help with that.

  3. the bigger ? is can gun control work unless we disarmed police and military there is large amount of guns ammo stolen every year but we cant talk of it in Mexico and cops killed for guns and ammo sad bad but get on roof and drop hevey thing on there head and take guns but radio in the big deal

  4. Well if Fetanol filled Loser Floyd got all that attention. It must make a person Father of the year as well. I mean hell, our President's son is a crackhead Pedophile! WTG BIDEN! WORTHLESS POS!

  5. It's most probably a moment of oppurtunity & those dumbos have no idea nor plan what to do with the stolen goods. They're just low end criminal with no code of ethics. I leave a painkiller bottle full of strong laxatives in my car, pity the fkrs that take it..!! Merry Christmas cobber. Stay safe & true. Warm greetings from Australia.

  6. $21,000 dollars? Maybe at the inflated prices the American taxpayers are fleeced by their contracted suppliers. $2 dollar pen at Walmart, naw we the gubment, we gonna pay $10. $5 dollar case of water, naw we the gubment, we'll give you $20 dollars for it. Awe heck, it ain't our muney. Boys, y'all want sum new desks? We'll give ya $500 fer them $150 dollar desks ya got there.

  7. An officer was going in one morning and put his case on the trunk and drove off. AR,mags. This was in California. I heard about an officer that responded to a call and somebody stole the shotgun from the unit.

  8. But the aft is willing to criminalize a tailgater with the full extent of the law (even though unconditional and violates the 2nd amendment and the 8th amendment) for small pieces of metal or aluminum pipe that they don't like, completely ignoring shootings in Harlem or Chicago. Because we all know criminals fill out 4473s at the street corner.

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