Home AR-15 Suspect Shot After Displaying Apparent AR-15: Cops

Suspect Shot After Displaying Apparent AR-15: Cops


Authorities in California are investigating a bizarre incident in which a man entered a police station’s compound and pointed a weapon at a police officer before being shot. The Police Chief of the city of Rialto says the suspect, driving a Dodge Charger, followed a police car through a gate into a secure, personnel-only parking lot of their police station. In a Facebook post, the chief walked viewers through the events of the incident. Inside Edition Digital’s Mara Montalbano has more.

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  1. I can tell you right now by the video and I'm no professional but that was a paintball gun made to look like an air 15 how do these people not know this what kind of reporting is this do your homework Inside Edition

  2. Now idk if this was a sbc situation (probably if it was a replica ) but even if the person was trying to scare people, that was just utterly ridiculous. If he didn’t know the repercussions he was ignorant. But I think it was sbc. Even if it was a real AR he still may have wanted to be killed. Easy way out. 🤔

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