Authorities in Rialto shot and wounded a man with an assault style rifle after they said he tried to enter a secure area of the Rialto Police Department.
Mary Beth McDade reports for KTLA 5 News at 10, Dec. 5, 2022
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He smart asf
May as well have entered into a gun battle with the cop he was already engaged.
As the Marxist left continue their all out assault on police crime is just going to get worse and attacks like this more common place
San Bernideendo guys
It’s always people from SB giving all the good people bad raps.
These thugs are gonna start trying to kill our police
officer's this is not tolerated come on people they are here to protect us we can't kill our polices I'll pray for this world this country this hair shall pass and better days ahead what's going through the minds of these criminals drugs just know well-being of caring about another human being's life just sad pray for our officers and our fireman and our doctors and our children that have to grow up to see this grandchildren nieces and nephews this breaks my heart don't walk through the valleys of the shadows of death
Crazy suspect karma
0:57, the dude that came out of the van didn't know how to react.
Failure to comply = suicide by cop.
Went to all that trouble to get someone to kill him.
Could have done it at home and never bothered another soul.
Too much a coward to do it themselves.
It's like having guns stopped a mass shooter…. who'd a thunk it?
It's one thing when a Starbucks leaves because a neighborhood is no longer safe for their employees. Will it now become unsafe for LAPD employees?
Has this guy ever played GTA smh
That man was on a suicide mission. He survived and will have to live with the repercussions of his choices. Life is a seed we are planting and will one day reap
The criminal was so brazen!

I wish the police officer would not have shot him, but I completely understand, and I’m supportive of his decision to do so.
This criminal was so brazen in his actions towards the police officer. I’m wondering if this might have been a suicide by police officer as he pointed the weapon at the police officer but the criminal did not shoot at the police officer. Red flag!
We will see how very important it is to bring in the human mind the radical revolution. the crisis is a crisis in conciousness – a crisis that cannot anymore except the old norm the old patern the old ancient tradition. And considering what the world is now, with all the misery, conflict, destruction, brutality, aggression and so on Man is still as he was, is still brutal, violent, aggressive, acquisitive, competitive and hes had built a society a long this lines.
-Jiddu krishnamurti
What can camera that cuando news want this should should the Rialto police department that nada should that nada could that police officers could that nada that shooting this nada could that nada that want shooting nada could that would take quien eres cuando this nada should that shooting this nada should that nada that police car that suspect that nada that
Obviously not law abiding citizen… most likely another criminal with a stolen gun.
Que that that suspect want nada should that camera that cuando this should that that that police officers could that nada could that suspect nada should that want Shooting this nada should that nada shots fired nada could that want open that quien eres nada that the Rialto police department city this nada that
The female was the man’s wife he was jealous
Every rifle is an assault rifle
Even a huge metal spoon can be an assault spoon
R.I.P joe rogan
I will tell you why he did it… because society has demonized law enforcement and made them public enemy #1… not to mention there is NO DETERRENT in the state of California for criminals to commit crimes. They are NOT scared of the punishments that go along with committing crimes
This officer must be guilty of something
Must be nice to carry a gun
Glad the suspect was handled, no officers weren't hurt. Just hope there's no copy cat doing that here in LA.
Dodge Charger. That's all you need to know
Fastest way to get a 2 star wanted level in GTA.
Hoodlums are just getting dumber each day.
Ha ha ha ,I'd bet u now those police watcher video guys won't be allowed somehow to film at police stations soon. That police station is in a pretty open area, no way that other car snuck in behind him, it's too damn small not to notice another unknown moving vehicle in the secure area
Blame gta 5
Was a suicide by cop attempt and should’ve just finished him.. cops put how many bullets in a kid holding a cell phone but a guy runs up shooting with an AR15 and gets hospitalized? WTF!? At least use deadly force when necessary so your excuse of using it when unnecessary seems more legit… otherwise you’re looking like you just want to shoot to kill Certain people. How wasn’t this man shot to death?
walk-up gang
This foo thought it was like GTA V.
Didn't know the bullets could hit him.