Home AR-15 Rarebreed FRT-15 AR15 Pistol 5.56 Testing

Rarebreed FRT-15 AR15 Pistol 5.56 Testing


In this video, we try out the Rarebreed Forced Reset Trigger (FRT-15) in an AR15 Piston Driven Pistol in 5.56. While it only partially functioned as intended, we were able to troubleshoot the cycling issue and the next range test will feature the full effect of the FRT-15 trigger from Rarebreed. The cyclic problem was identified as a short stroke and was causes by a heavy weight buffer not allowing full travel of the bolt carrier to strip the next cartridge from the magazine and can be remedied by using a lighter buffer weight or lighter buffer spring.

Presented by Colt Stephens & Shannon Lookadoo.

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  1. To the people hating on these two for a mistake in saying stock and brace remember something strength is in numbers and you keep messing with people new to guns or not experienced in the newest lango your going to run alot of people away that the 2A community needs. Stay strapped my friends.

  2. Nice! Finally! I was wondering about the ar pistol with the rare breed trigger I think I got an answer with the video y’all made. Now what length is the barrel? & do you think that it’ll work with a SI pdw brace? I was thinking of replacing the buffer on it & order a JP buffer h2 or a armaspec buffer h2. Again love the video, will be waiting for the other one.

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