Terrifying moments caught on camera inside a medical clinic in Buffalo, New York. A man with an assault rifle storms in and the clinic’s security guard springs into action, pouncing on the gunman.
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This guy was more reactive than the police… People are the real hero
White men am I right
To be fair the gun with the gun was harmless when you look at it closely, he hadn't a clue and I think he fired the shot by accident
He aint scared of no gun
Well done
A government that is so good in tracking the activities of everybody via so many channels should be able to track the number of people who got assault-type guns and do something about it!!!.
Praise the name of Mighty JESUS
That's real bravery.
A true American hero!
I’m glad they handled that law breaking thug
first thing that security guard tried to do was run through the door that was locked then tried to jump through the window and realize he couldn't… stopping the gunman was his last resort
Thank you brave Reynaldo.
He called on the name of the Lord! Amen and praise God
This story is amazing, God Bless him

When a heroes fight or flight instincts kick inn, crisis averted, well done sir
You WANT a country FULL OF LEGAL GUNS ?????
THERE YOU HAVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Free healthcare for this man true hero
This man saves everyone and the article says “To God be the Glory”. How about to the hero be the glory, not the imaginary cult figure.
The security guard should have euthanized the criminal
There's power in the name of Jesus!
AR does not stand for assault rifle morons. Try Armalite. It’s a brand. Quit fear mongoring. Also don’t forget that rifle didn’t shoot itself. It’s the people behind the trigger not the weapon itself. And that was a gun free zone, clearly the sign wasn’t big enough for that criminal to read.
This man is a HERO
Dude has excellent reaction time and amazing pouncing skill. Definitely inspirational and worthy of emulation. No telling what long term impact this event holds for the future. For the present though, it sure gives folks hope.
There is power in his name.
Great job Sir.
Another white man with a rifle trying to kill innocent people!
It's an AR -15….. that's it….not an "assault rifle"….this is a made up term, by media and politicians…. The idiot with the gun was assaulting….not the inanimate object…. SSMFH

Horrible job news!!
Good job security!!!
He jumped into action after trying to run away twice and finally realizing his only way out was thru the gunman.
There u go guys who rely on guns cant fight
Bravery is when you act when scared to death
No one can be Jesus not even that demon that was in the gun man the demons bow and that what he did by going on that floor
The only reason this didn't make or get national attention is because it doesn't fit the mainstream media and the far left narrative. The mainstream media and the far left would have preferred dead bodies and blood so they can continue to push their agenda.
Long weapons Are not tactical for those situations at all
thats no a AR 15 thats a freaking M 16
Haha, he tried to run away but failed, last resort was attack
The name Jesus paralysed the attacker and stopped fighting for while
Bro that #2 should have pulled that mag first thing if he didn't have a piece on him
Dude preferred to go to Prison than live on streets. Smart. Winter coming.
What was the shot from behind him before he spring into action?
Didn't know one thing about the weapon he had in his hand either .. accidental discharge then holding it with one hand half assed like that
.. he'll be out with no bail the next day , it's NY
A true hero not what Hollywood makes you think they would have been gone as soon as they saw the riffle this man is a hero
Good job to the guard
good job security guards! you have potentially stopped a possible mass shooting from happening. great timing and very brave of you…salute!
Brave man… kudos to you sir