Home AR-15 Will Removing Your Pistol Brace Make Any Difference With the ATF?

Will Removing Your Pistol Brace Make Any Difference With the ATF?


Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, …

Applicable Documents:

ATF Budget Request for Form 1 Amendments.

ATF Form 1.

ATF Form 4999.
Other Resources:

How ATF Will Set Their Amnesty Registration Trap?

Pistol Brace Amnesty, What Does That Really Mean to You?

When is the ATF Introducing Their New Pistol Brace Rule?

How the ATF Will Enforce Their New Pistol Brace Rule?

Getting Better Acquainted with ATF’s Pistol Brace Scoring Sheet.

Check Out our Bullet Point Series.

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  1. Why doesn't the ATF just come out and say, we want our cuts and we won't take NO for an answer instead if all these gibberish BS, right? Base on what's coming or not, I'm just going to take it up the Arse and buy the SBR and avoid the Effing Headache! Buy, hey that's just me. I don't want to go to jail because I didn't pay the MAFIA their shares. 💯💯👍👍👍😡😡😡🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲😂😂😂

  2. My first question would be when can we tell the ATF to Fuck Off??? An why should I have to pay for a tax stamp on something I already had to pay taxes in when I bought the fucking thing regardless if I built it or not every piece was taxed when purchased so why should I have to pay additional fee to own legally….. bastards only won’t money

  3. The only thing that is giving the ATF the idea that they can create law is that they think they can declare that Barrel length has something to do with the 2nd Amendment. The ATF can't create Law so this is all moot. There has been a letter online from 2014, I believe, where the ATF states that a stabilizing brace can be fired from shoulder. They have no authority to keep redefining things and then trying to get money from the very people they are targeting to harass. It's like pay the enemy to get yourself arrested. Attacking Braces is the stupidest Entrapment Law tried. They want people to PAY to build their own Gun Registry. Braces & Suppressors have no affect in changing the weapons lethality. The Handicap lawsuits alone will flood them. As long as the Marxist's strategy is to try to turn regular people into criminals by just passing an unconstitutional law, they will continue to fail miserably. The Dick Act of 1902 protects the Militia and Gun Control is Forbidden and it cannot be Repealed. The 2nd Amendment is untouchable. Look up H.R. 11654

  4. I suspect that the majority of owners that bought their pistols when they were legal think that they should be grandfathered. Just because the ATF changed their mind and now want to extort us for a tax stamp, they can pound sand.

  5. Atf thinks having someone pay 200 for a tax stamp is going to keep these messed up people from doing mass shootings…🤔 the government just wants to have complete control of every little thing next thing you know cars that go over 25mph will become illegal because there's been too many cars being used to run over crowds🤣🤣🤣

  6. Tax grabbing pieces of shit – you want shooters to be less accurate – to be less in control of their weapon? "2 mass shootings" versus nightly slaughters in da hood using stolen or straw purchased HANDGUNS! You're not trying to make America safer = you're disarming your political enemy! You put up the public comment and then totally ignored us! You're not going to get the senate votes you need to pass your gun grab (this time) and hopefully a red wave will include politicians who's first thoughts are firing you – defunding the ATF and restoring the constitution to read = SHALL NOT INFRINGE! Kiss my dick agent red coat!

  7. How about this option! Tell the ATF to go screw themselves as many of these were legally transferred at the time as a “ pistol” ( see BATF Form 4473). They can “ reasonably “ offer grandfather status but We know they wont. Tell your clients that they cannot make laws, change rules after the fact, or INFRINGE on our God given rights. Did they arrest Eric Holder? Joe Biden? The are the BIGGEST gun traffickers of all time!

  8. It will make no difference. The ATF has shown multiple times they will redefine and create new laws to continuously harass the American people unless they are stopped. It is time to abolish the ATF.

  9. Funny how our government creates terrorist organizations, arms terrorists, and drug cartels. Operation fast and furious, etc. Yet will pull acts like Ruby Ridge and Waco on American citizens. The whole country should tell the ATF and the government to back off.

  10. 12 minutes to explain that AK or AR pistols were ALWAYS SBRs to anyone with a brain so now they want their corresponding NFA unjustified $200 tax stamp. Get rid of NFA bullshit and defund the ATF

  11. Stabilizing braces don’t murder people…. If everyone that wasn’t a criminal had the right to protect themselves, maybe these mass shootings wouldn’t exist. The bad players might think twice because everyone is prepared to eliminate any threat.

  12. My main issue with this besides the obvious is that if I convert all my ar pistols to rifle configuration (barrel of 16inches or longer) I will no longer be able to carry it around like I currently do, I have my conceal carry license and I am pretty sure u can’t carry a rifle, at the moment I can carry my ar pistol in the car because of my license to carry but I believe you can’t carry a rifle with a barrel longer than 16inches or over length of over 26 inches

  13. I have been told by a firearms sales person, even having a barrel length of 16 inches, the pistol brace being left on still applies as a pistol, I tried to buy one at 20 years old and they told me it still applies

  14. ATF literally shifts blame, intent, cause, and literal definition 24/7 so they can get what they want. One minute, they are the law, another minute, they enforce the law and interpret it, the next, they can't create law or be the law.

    This is grade A stereotypical lawyering

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