Let’s look at an affordable 300 blk Upper for an AR-15
Today we have an affordable 300 blackout conversion kit from NSR Firearms.
The Concept is simple, Re-use your current bolt carrier group, charging handle, and magazines from your AR-15 5.56 vs. .223 and put them in the 300 blk upper receiver.
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I have an upper if you know anyone trying to buy one. 556 with a nato barrel
Hey man I freaking love your videos
First of all, being forward of the "firing line" is sketchy… Im actually shocked at this range. Not hating on you brother, just the set up. NOW, the feed issues were probably because of the 556 mags, its more common on 300blk than people make out to be. Only thing reliable 100% is actual 300BLK mags. Awesome video, really enjoyed it!!!!
Where's the affordable ammo that goes with it? If you cant feed it continuously then why have it?
ADM MOD2 here
Adding rail sections is a big deal, they can cost a lot for just a couple and finding them can be a pain in the butt, good on Gilbert. I have the same set up the 300 blackout with a 5.56 so I can shoot whatever I feel like.
Can you shoot 7.62×39
Can I get his info?
Isn't the point of 300 blackout is for a sbr?
Not impressed by the accuracy . How long did it take to achieve? One day a shot?
$350 is a lot, I get a whole ATI Rifle for $50 more
how much is the upper?f
I'm about 90% sure that's my local range in Casa Grande. Am I right?
I'm 99% sure that's my local range in Casa Grande. Am I right?
Where can you buy that upper?
now hole gun for under 500 thanks Trump ..
Considered mil spec?
I love this channel. Got addicted after the Banshee review. Thank's for making great content on here!
How do i get ahold of this dude you talk about in the video?
If you like that rail, you should try the Aero Precision enhanced gen 2! Have it on my blackout pistol and it’s super slim and light
Just started my first AR build and went with a .300 pistol upper. I look forward to seeing how yours goes.
For 300 bucks or even less you could get a Ghost Firearms or Radical Firearms upper from Primary Arms. Just sayin it's really not all that "affordable"
Sitting hear watching this again drinking a cold one thinking look how much we learned this year. Seriously how many polymer 80's did we all do how many ar15/10s and then there is the 1911/2011 builds now those are fun! I like your builds ever think of a 2011 build? I Think you would have a blast blingin one of those out let me know if interested I can send you one of my 80% 2011 frames if nobody will help out.
@tacticalToolBox, I was told by an industry that not having the correct headspace bolt, you could have feeding issues with some 300blk.
that's actualy a realy good group at 100m
Nice short and sweet video. One thing that should be pointed out… you shouldn’t swap all your bolts around with checking headspacing. 99% of the time with an AR platform it’s fine, but there’s always the chance that it’s not. I always buy a new bolt or BCG for any new barrel and check headspacing. Better safe than sorry. Also, as far as calibers, my favorite is still the 5.56, but I’ve had a 300BO for many years now, mainly for hunting 100 yards or less. They’re very soft shooting!
I can't really like keymod, only because it looks like men's junk and my garage shelves all up and down the rail
. Cosmetics aside keymod and mlock (and picatinny) are all equal in my book 
I'd like to see you do a review on the new 224 Valkyrie cartridge. That's supposed to be the new 223 cartridge that's capable of 1300 yards and still going supersonic. There's been a bunch of talk about it but very few reviews on YouTube. Maybe you could do one for us all?
Yeah I agree with you sir on the handguard, if you're going into military combat or you're a contractor then yes in lock is stronger. But for all reality for civilian use keymod is tough as Nails as well just a tiny bit weaker than m-lok. Also you should try some 300 Blackout 220 grain subsonic. If you thought the hundred and ten grain or soft shooting you ought to shoot the 220 grain subsonic you can't even feel the rifle recoil.
Hey, i wanna get my G26 slide done to look like the G19 battle worn slide. Didn't know where to look or who to ask. If you know anybody that those it please let me know. thanks
Could never figure out why you would want to run 300 BLK when you could get a good AK in 762 x 39 and shoot it all day without breaking the bank
That's just me
300 BLK definitely the way to go with SBRs and pistols.
Yah I can't wait to build my own 300 blk out deltateamtactical has some cheap 150$ range can't go wrong to try…
Can u do one on a 50 bmg upper and lowers ECT
be cool if 300 BLACk OUT WAS CHEAP!!!