Home AR-15 Joe Biden Says He Won't Rest Until AR-15s Are Banned In 60...

Joe Biden Says He Won't Rest Until AR-15s Are Banned In 60 Minutes Interview


Joe Biden 60 Minutes Interview

Can you image if Joe Biden had declared, “We passed the most extensive anti-free speech legislation in 30 years” or “We passed the most extensive unreasonable search and seizure legislation in 30 years”? 

People would be running around screaming the world is ending.

That’s essentially what he just said. Joe Biden just bragged about being the most anti- 2nd Amendment president in 30 years if not in our history.

Why does the leader of a country built on the ideal of freedom boast about limiting that freedom?

The Second Amendment was explicitly written into our constitution; it is not a recommendation.

Actually, they went a step farther.

They opted to add 10 Amendments to the Constitution after the Constitution was written because they believed that these rights were so crucial that they needed to be explicitly stated, and Joe Which Way Do I Go Biden is blatantly gloating about violating the only Amendment that states that it “Shall Not Be infringed”

Joe Biden is a political snob in the finest sense; he has spent practically his entire professional career in politics.

Joe Biden doesn’t care about you other than how much he can control you, and the 2nd Amendment is the largest roadblock in his path of achieving so because a government cannot just impose its will on a society of armed citizens.

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  1. As a USAF vet the son of a WW2 vet the younger brother of a Vietnam vet and having many friends who served including one who died on active duty you will never take away my second amendment right you fility evil pinko

  2. The left wants to take our guns so we too would become Austria, Canada. They have NO ability to push back against the government, so the government has their way. Covid camps ring a bell????

  3. But wait, Old Joe told a guy on the campaign trail that he wasn’t coming for his guns, he yelled at him about it. I guess he was lying, again and again and again and again… Be Safe out there

  4. IMO people are so clueless about guns so all they know is what they are told by idiots like Biden. Any facts presented to the contrary go over their heads because they think he is all knowing. This also includes anti 2A groups who are just disingenuous.

  5. Colion, I follow you on a regular basis and appreciate everything you're doing. Now off the subject. Please open the f stop on your camera up one hole stop. TRUST me. your set shots have gotten darker. The outdoor stuff is fine it's the daily set shots that have just gotten too dark. Yes, I do have a balanced monitor. Keep up the good work. Thanks,

  6. Teach kids to shoot then and teach gun directions and skill and maybe one day these kids will stop a mass shooter all together what about the cops that work in schools and should be there for first contact and why not put 2 cops in every school with an ar or ak in the patrol car locked up…

  7. Colion, I'm one of your biggest fans. Avid 2A supporter. But I gotta tell ya I was cringing everytime you used the plural of "Deer". 😂 Love Ya Man… Keep Up the Great Work!

  8. All CNN, FOX and Other news stations do is focus on the tragedies and it's and as unfortunate as they are how about focusing on some of the good things With a gun, No matter what kind of gun.
    I get American rifleman Through the NRA they have a whole page dedicated to people that defend themselves in various situations With firearms.

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