Once again, various gun control groups are pushing for a national Assault Weapon Ban that specifically targets AR-15s. Does the AR-15 deserve all this hate? Does the argument for restricting “military-style rifle” ownership hold up? Isaac Botkin walks through the history of every step of small arms weapon development to see if there is a case for this.
Vintage firearms kindly provided by Ethan at ilovemuzzleloading.
Check out a T.REX podcast conversation with Ethan about these firearms HERE:
00:00 Intro
03:32 A History of Small Arms
04:08 Matchlocks
04:32 Flintlocks
08:13 Percussion
09:01 Sharps Breech Loader
11:34 Henry Lever Action Repeater
12:39 Mauser Bolt Action
14:05 M1 Garand
15:43 AK-47
18:10 M-16
19:53 AR-15
21:07 Weapons of War
22:53 Crime Prevention
23:41 Military vs. Sporting Arms
25:36 Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

I am a vintage freak when it comes to damn near everything. The only items I own that are from the 50s or 60s are my cell phone, my AR’s, my EDC handguns, my socks and underwear.

I agree.
If the government can own it, SO CAN YOU!
good video
Great video
I have a few friends from Canada and California who don't agree with guns completely. Im just trying to get them to see how dangerous it could be if they don't have the best thing to save their life.
29:28 Malaysian people cant
I don't need an AR-15. Never cared for them actually. No interest at all. I get the attraction, sure. Just not for me. I've got plenty of other stuff in the safe that goes bang just fine.
i thought this was satire but it's just another NRA shill with the stereotype merican flag and the masculine cage ROARRRRRR
It's not about what I need, it's about what I WANT.
And I want all those gun grabbers to go to hell.
Lucas, you've compiled possibly (and arguably) the single most concise AND EFFECTIVE debate tool and wrecking Ball to address true motives of gun control and disturbing government lust to disarm (read: DISADVANTAGE) the general population.
This is one of the few things that is preventing the tyranny of the US government in slaving the people
Fantastic video. Excellent presentation I hope to see more like this.
Wonderful review. Shall not be infringed!
The Ak is the Greatest.
don’t forget that the government only wants you to have firearms which are difficult to use effectively and accurately… yes accurately, they want you to accidentally hit the neighbors dog.. it was never about safety
This video should be in our public education system as FIREARMS 101. You're guide to understanding firearms, freedom, and a solution to tyranny. Stay frosty patriots….
All laws with exemptions for certain people are repugnant to the constitution. Cops, ex-cops, ex-military, various agencies having legal access to things us commoners either can't own outright or need to jump through hoops wait for months and pay tax stamps for, that's a caste system. The NFA, the GCA, and the Roster in California specifically are the biggest offenders.
as a non-American who has a somewhat neutral stance on gun control and gun ownership, this video makes a great point for the pro-ownership side. If I were to become in a situation where a firearm could possibly save my life or other's, I would want a gun (be it in my home or concealed carry).
However, I would never add the possibility of gun ownership to a country that doesn't already have them. Here in The Netherlands we have some very strict rules regarding gun ownership, aside from the fact that it gets really expensive, so not many people explore it. Knowing there's a really small chance my neighbour owns a firearm, I'm fine not having one either.
A country like the US, where a big percentage of citizens already does own one or more firearms, be they used for home defence or mass shootings, I would want to get myself a concealed carry license and thus not want a ban on civilian gun ownership.
As always, you guys have produced a well-researched piece of content, delivered professionally beyond what YT typically has to offer.
I think what’s most impressive is Isaac’s ability to keep a straight face when having to explain the absurdity of the arguments put forth by supporters of the bill. Well done sir, and thanks to the T-Rex Arms team for the video
Everyone wants Garand Thumb. The man is a monster, a beast, a miracle of modern technology!
Hey uh real quick, if military style weapons are meant for battlefields and for use against enemies of the state, what are they implying by using the national guard and armed police forces in towns and cities
What a well and factually explained video. No matter the pros and cons of Humanity, one of the greatest things about America is the 2nd Amendment, a right to keep and bear arms, mainly preserving and supporting the natural rights of self-defense and resistance to oppression. This is something that should have existed by default across the world, why?
The why:
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” – Thomas Jefferson
Also, as a conspiracy nut, to all the smart Americans, better look into increased number of so called “Gun Violence/Mass shootings”. Yes, they are obviously bad but the fact that there is an increase in activities like these right around the corner of such a bill seems intriguing.
My opinion, this is to force people to give up control, so that if there ever comes a time where tyranny does become the law, no one has the means to take up rebellion as a duty.
Everyone needs one because your mother lol.
Not a nice touch to cut the graph right at 2015, where after there is a massive spike to the double amount.
We gun owners shouldn’t go down the way of disinformation like the left media.
I love how you presented this to us especially showing the “political official” who doesn’t know the components of an AR-15! It so dangerous to think politicians like him are trying to ban our firearms!!
Since when is 30-06 even in WW2 loadings a 18 in power while 5.56 is a 24 in power?
Bravo! Great visuals. History. Humor. Facts. Truth, and Reason.
An AR-15 is a weapon of war, a Cannon is a weapon of war, a revolver is a weapon of war, a musket is a weapon of war, a bow is a weapon of war, a sword is a weapon of war, a knife is a weapon of war even helmets and rocks were used to dispatch people.
Everything can be a weapon of war. You can't prevent someone from wanting to harm someone but you can stop someone in the act of it. Stay Armed Stay Strong.
We don't have a gun problem in America. We have a specific demographic problem. If they were any kind of honest, they would report on exactly WHO is perpetrating the overwhelming majority of gun crimes.
The main statement you used is stopping tyranny. The ONLY reason a government seeks to disarm civilians is to enslave them. People will have to protect freedom from a government that seeks that. That's why there are 300 million plus guns owned in the United States. The reason this government is terrified of civilians having these guns is that it stops them from carrying out their evil plans to kill us.
Don't you ever call my rifle military grade.
It is MUCH nicer.
Unfortunately,in our current state,the military/government have weapons that are far superior than what we can acquire. What should be incredibly alarming is the fact our government wishes to remove what you do have regardless of its efficiency.
The post office can have them to
It ceases to amaze me that Politicians and influencers are allergic to logic and facts. Thank you for the History lesson.
I am an European and you know what I came up with? Do you know what stops a psychopath with an ar15 from killing people? A responsible gun owner with an ar15
They didn’t go to disarm citizens, when you look into the history you find that the population and towns thought that the British were killing civilians, and so with believing their lives were on the line, fired the first shots. The historical accounts from people there don’t talk about being disarmed, it’s more the mood of “they’re killing us”
Very good video! Thanks for this video! Best regards from Germany!
The biggest problem is that no government official aside from the ones with a brain will watch this video and actually learn something. Their pockets are too deep
The bump stock clips were hurting my feelings.
Good video im definitely sharing it
"Everyone needs an AR 15, and I mean EVERYONE". Okay, that would then include mentally ill or unstable people, veterans with severe PTSD, psychopaths, teenagers?, convicted criminals… because they might need to defend themselves too right?
We all may need an AR-15, but you need a paper bag over that face !
It should have been: "Why everyone needs a AK"
If this won't open the minds of my parents then they're a lost cause. They get to learn the hard way like everyone else.
I wanna see the history on handguns!