Home AR-15 Budget AR15 Alternatives

Budget AR15 Alternatives

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  1. Based on what budget?? Most of those are 2 or 3 times more than an average no frills AR-15 because they are imports that are now all but restricted thanks to Biden’s BS, which makes the existing supply just that much more expensive.

  2. AR-15s may not be cheap but they’re expensive to what I’ve seen in rifles.
    You could get an at-15 or like 300-400 (.22) or even (5.56/.223) for $1100-$1300
    Probably can get both cheaper.
    But a gun is a lot of money so why go cheaper (besides not being able to afford one)

  3. Firearms are honestly the worst invention known to man because they give scrawny little dorks like this the ability to defeat someone who is genetically superior to them in every way.

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