Home AR-15 Biden Says AR-15s Will Be Banned if Democrats Pick Up 2 Senate...

Biden Says AR-15s Will Be Banned if Democrats Pick Up 2 Senate Seats in November Midterm Elections


Biden Assault Weapon Ban

People expect Joe Biden and the rest of the anti-you-have-a-gun lobby to say explicitly that they want to take the guns, but why would they do this?

A con artist doesn’t tell you he’s running a con.

Instead, they do everything they can to make it seem like they’re not running a con.

When Joe Biden says he wants to ban “Assault weapons,” he’s not talking about automatic machine guns.

They use the phrase “assault weapons” to confuse you; they want you to think they’re trying to ban the guns you see used by the likes of Rambo.

Do you think they will ban them and not try confiscating the 20 million other AR15s already out there?

So explain how living in a country where only the criminals have the most effective guns makes you safe.

Why are they going after a gun that’s least used in shootings?

Because it’s just the start!

If you can justify banning a gun that is used in less than 1% of gun deaths, you can justify banning any firearm after that.

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  1. I'd love to see them try it. Your talking about coming after MILLIONS of law abiding citizens. That's one heck of a huge army. That don't mind dieing to fight to keep the freedoms we have. These are scary times, you better know where you stand. And who is standing with you.

  2. i dont care what they say at this point. they dont want to help us or listen to us why the fuck would i want to listen to them. WE the people have more power than "they" do. we have to make GOV smaller. otherwise USA will be a communist country soon.

  3. Next we gotta ban the Secret Service and any sort of security detail that these politicians deploy since if citizens aren't in need of guns then politicians and celebrities don't either.

  4. it's because of your ignorance you would say such a thing the fact is when you allow them to infringe your constitutional right they have consent of the people it's nowhere in the Constitution that you can commit a crime and void yourself of your constitutional rights it doesn't exist So when you say a felon should not on a firearm you're saying that you should not own a firearm and they have the consent of the people to ban you from owning a firearm because you're not saying felon you're saying you are not worthy say it I am not worthy to own a firearm keep voting for the same f**** trash and you're going to keep ending up with the same laws you're an idiot and I'm talking about the Republicans just like I'm talking about the Democrats you've got to get rid of both therefore division that's it a republican is the same as a Democrat behind closed doors don't think they're not who do you think it is it has everybody locked up in this country is the Republicans the Democrats it's both who owns stocks and private institutions Republicans Or democrats it's both

  5. Don't worry they're not going to ban assault weapons lol too much profit is being made with the AR platform not to mention assault rifles are pretty much baned anyways since 1980 it's very difficult to maintain an automatic fire arm

  6. I think Biden is trying to stimulate the economy, by boosting semiautomatic rifle sales. Still, I think this is the one issue where the Democrats will not sabotage their own campaign promise.

  7. In the 90's they had an assault weapons ban. They did not go out and collect existing owners and they did not come after the rest of our guns and eventually the ban expired and here we are today

  8. Vote baby an not for the blue coat's. Its like old English law all over again with higher taxes gun control and no rights to vote cuz they still elections. So instead of a red coat its blue now. Straight 👿👺evil.

  9. At this point, F it. I'll vote Democrat so they ban them… It's time to get this started anyway and that'll force it. Once the… Thing is over we can start anew on the corpses of the… Old system.

  10. Would like to ask a question not sure the right place … with pistol braces set to be called a short barrel rifle soon… my question is if you remove the brace and just have the buffer tube is if correct that it’s no problem and it’s still a pistol not a short barrel rifle

  11. THEY ARE GOING TO STEAL MORE SEATS BECAUSE YOU NAIVELY THINK THAT DEMOCRATS ARE LUCKY AND NOT INNATELY EVIL. Ted Cruz lost the nomination bid for the presidential election of 2016 because he failed to recognize the enemy of the Constitution of the United States domestic is the Marxist Democrat Party. If we do not wake up and stop rank choice voting across the United States, the nation will free fall into a Communist style single party State with the mulish Democrat being unveiled as the Marxist they have become.

  12. Their term "assault weapon" includes any firearm that has a pistol grip, forward grip, threaded barrel, or a detachable magazine over 10 rds. That's 90% of modern long guns & about 50% of modern handguns. Also a lot of shotguns. I pray that they don't think they'll actually be successful.

  13. For reference: Pres. Biden is from DE, and is close with DE’s governor, Carney. Carney and his people passed a bill this year to ban the purchase of all “assault weapons” in Delaware, and this includes any firearm with a magazine outside the grip, or with a capacity of more than 17rds. Half the pistols I own are more than 17 rd capacity.

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