Known as a symbol of freedom to its admirers and an assault weapon to its detractors, the AR-15 is one of the most controversial weapons in America.
Lightweight and easily customizable AR-15-style weapons have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years taking center stage at gun ranges and shooting competitions across the country.
According to the most recent national figures, there are an estimated 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the U.S. And there are about 20 million AR-15-style weapons in the country. Firearm manufacturers have seen revenue surge taking in about $1 billion from the sale of AR-15-style weapons in the past decade.
But the weapons have also been involved in a number of mass shootings. AR-15-style weapons were used at shootings in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, a Fourth of July parade in suburban Chicago and a grocery store in upstate New York. Critics argue the weapons are also aggressively marketed by gun companies targeting at-risk young males.
So what is behind the popularity of the AR-15 and what responsibility do gun makers have when their products are used in mass shootings? Watch the video to learn more.
Intro: 0:00-2:17
Chapter 1 America’s rifle: 2:18-5:30
Chapter 2 Gun ownership in America: 5:31-7:35
Chapter 3 Gun-makers: 7:36-9:51
Chapter 4 Gun ads: 9:52-11:55
Chapter 5 Mass shootings: 11:56-16:29
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Why Americans Are Hellbent On Buying AR-15 Guns
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i honestly think the democrats are getting paid by gun manufacturers. Want to increase sales of a typical gun ,say the words potential gun ban .
An ar-15 next to your bed? WTF neighborhood do you live in? You’re going to shoot the neighbor as well
The truly criminal or depraved uses the weapon. Only the military personnel should have them.
What "assault style weapons" did Ted Kaczynski use? Or Timothy McVeigh? Or literally every serial killer that ever existed?
The fact that they include a numerous footage of women shooting is pathetic and sarcastic.
The feminism put their hands on all of US media even the news.
Women’s place is home.
Women’s job is Stay-At-Home-Mom.
Obey her husband and take take the kids.
Nobody sells guns like democrats…
Hellbent? Dramatic!!!
What they NEED to do is rewrite the entire constitution and leave The Right to Bear Arms out of it. The Constitution was written by a bunch of racist, slave-owning, misogynistic, and most likely homophobic white men back in the 1700's at a time when we were being invaded by the British and the only firearms they had were muskets that fired off one or two rounds per shot. They didn't have assault weapons back then.
The U.S. Constitution should've been rewritten five times over by now. They really should revise and upgrade it every 50 years. That said, what they NEED to do is a government buyback program like the one they launched in Australia after a mass shooting and give all the gun owners about a $3000 rebate for each firearm.
I guarantee you people would be selling them back like crazy if they knew each firearm could cover the rent and all the other monthly expenses, and those who have entire collections of guns could gain an entire year's salary or more. Who could say no to a program like that?
As an Israeli person if I will see people buy guns at the store like in the video I will start running for my life. Who thought that people need weapons that are made to murder other people as a civilians?!. We have police&army for a reason.
I hate the way gun control advocates talk at people and their points never get cross examined in real time. The live in a theoretical utopia in their heads.
Most gun violence and deaths aren’t even mass shooting related. That’s a drop in the bucket. They’re gang related gun violence tied directly to poverty.
Solve that if you really wanna reduce gun violence and gun death. Oh but that doesn’t affect white people like that so who cares?
In most video games such as Call of Duty, most developers and game publishers often aren’t able to acquire the proper licensing rights from firearms manufacturers so the names and 3D models of almost all the weapons need to be changed slightly as not to infringe on their intellectual property risking lawsuits from firearm manufacturers. So saying that video games are used to advertise firearms is simply false.
In Chapter 1, you fail to point out the fact that the military had fully automatic rifles and civilian versions are semi-automatic like every other gun.
The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban did not ban any semiauto weapons, it banned accessories which could be put on the rifle and magazines that held larger than 10 rounds.
How about the individual, numerous DAILY shootings that’ve been happening in inner cities across the country for DECADES? Added up, sounds like mass shootings to me…
"AR-15 style…assault style" either it is, or it isn't. Please stop with the vague terminology, it's irresponsible journalism.
12:27 huh what??!!
While most mass shootings are committed with a handgun
The 2nd most common weapon used is a semi automatic weapon (SHOWS PICTURE OF RIFLE)
You do know handguns are typically semi automatic!
The media’s SLEIGHT OF HAND they think will go unnoticed is real funny.
I don't know why people would need this weapon. I have a 308 rifle. It was made during WW2 for the British . I started shooting this weapon at 12 years old. I was raised on a ranch and often we hunted for food. Not for sport. I have since then added a scope. The stand up sites however were very accurate once you learned how to use them. My eyes however have become with age not so good. Up to 500 yards I can easily hit my target. My point is the AR-15 is an excellent weapon yet is no more accurate. My brother has had one for years and its fun to shoot. Not really designed for hunting from a practical point of view. For self defense I would much prefer the range/accuracy and knock down power of the 308.
Show me where violent evil is defeated without violence.
Show me where any hero doesn’t use a weapon to defeat evil?
The Police?
All heroes use some level of FORCE, POWERS, or WEAPONRY to defeat evil
These stories are taught and told because society still needs men capable of violence that is underneath voluntary control.
Without it that – you will have nothing but a society of weak incapable men who will easily be toppled by whatever group of more violence males who come along.
The language. “At risk young males”. “Gun safety”= Gun confiscations.
Why? You'll find out one day lol. You think the media won't be held accountable for their part in this?
Love all the 2A support in the comments section.

I don't know why people give it so much flack. It's an all-around great weapon. Good for home defense you can use it for hunting and quite simple to take apart and put back together for cleaning and maintenance.
I'm not even American but even I find the AR-15 to be such a beautifull piece of machinery.
Instead of getting to the root of society's problems and treating mental health not for profit (and ban for profit prisons) , Americans just throw guns at it. Well done ???????
My biggest objection to gun control all politics and bs aside is the simple fact we're past the point of legislation, over 500 million guns 25 million of them being AR15 style rifles sitting on top of over 14 trillion rounds already in the hands of law abiding citizens, on top of that we've been passing restrictive gun laws for well over a century and here we are I'm very eager to hear how more laws are going to stop people from doing bad things when so many laws have already failed, it's long overdue for society as a whole to come together and start working this out because my theory is the simple fact there's no love anymore it's every man for himself and the media brainwashing everyone on both sides of the aisle
People don't need guns. Gun manufacturers need people to need guns $$$
This dude think a gun being called an "urban super sniper" is going to result in gun violence? I just don't see the connection there…. This is the same logic as violence video games create mass shooters.
Gun manufacturers should not advertise guns like toys to attract younger buyers because it is a highly dangerous weapon that needs to be treated with respect. Mass shootings and robberies have more to do with societal mental health and other things; normal people don't just start shooting up schools.
guns dont make people bad– bad people are the problem
The Sandy Hook lawsuit against Remington mentioned that the weapon was advertised and placed in games exposing “at risk younger males” this implies that not every young male “targeted and exposed” became a mass shooter which could be interpreted as there was an underlying problem other than the weapon that drove them to the behavior. So there’s the possibility to address the underlying problem via mental health or other treatment?
Video games are violent because that’s what sells. This idea that violent content (video games, music, and movies) causes an increase in violence has been pushed for decades without proof.
99% of those "mass shootings" are within gang-violence, maybe they should call out that 90% of those are within black areas too. Nice try on the deception!
The final comment in the piece was the best: the US needs to change the gun culture to something akin to Switzerland. You can’t stop people from getting guns as additive manufacturing enables anyone to build their own gun pretty easily.
In general, if it is impossible to keep guns out of nefarious folks’ hands, and the cops cannot keep communities safe, give everyone the chance to defend themselves and set them up for success through mandatory training and proper, child-proof gun storage.
That dem with the glasses should just pass a "Negative Emotions Ban" law…he asks why video games are so violent, maybe he should look up human history through the ages…life & nature is violent whether you like it or not, even an amoeba will eat a smaller amoeba, "if you want peace, prepare for war"!!
just got mine a day ago as well. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ONE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE, GET ONE
How can people afford to shoot the AR-15? Last time I checked, 0.223 rounds were $0.75 each. I'm thinking of building a 0.9mm AR-15 because bullets are so expensive.
here is the idea: you want to ban a gun that is very good at just about every application applicable to it?
more people buy it, its not that complicated.
It's sad. My friends kids now have to learn how to dodge a mass shooting in schools, she's 8 years old. It's sad that the USA is becoming a bizarre gun-hungry country, fighting an imaginary civil war. It's pathetic.
Repeal the NFA!!!
Coz Murica is nuts
As someone who believes strongly in ALL of the amendments, this could easily be fixed with repealing/ rewriting FOPA of 1986. If you are a responsible gun owner you should have no problem with this.
Live by the gun die by the gun.
15:28 Hypocrites like this person say they want gun education instead of regulations but cry and moan when that education comes in the form of higher taxes; can't stand these sort of people.
americans are not the smartest people, the whole world understands that democrats and republicans have the same masters except americans.