Home AR-15 Brownells Retro 4x AR15/M16 Carry Handle Scope: reproducible elevation adjustments?

Brownells Retro 4x AR15/M16 Carry Handle Scope: reproducible elevation adjustments?


While at a dynamic practical rifle match with his Colt M16A1 (9 million series), Mike wound the adjustment drum too far on his Brownells Retro 4x AR15 / M16 carry handle scope, and lost elevation zero by about 4 MOA or so. Which was fun on the clock!

The question is: if you don’t wind the adjustment to the stop, are the adjustments reproducible if you wind the scope all the way down, all the way up, and back to 300m?

Ammo is GGG 55gn .223 Remington


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  1. wen I first got out of high school (2002) theses scope were always laying around on the tables at the gunshows ($200.00) for years seemed like no body wanted them; I of course snagged one up. but now I see that they made a retro style brand so either way its super cool seeing these retro guns and gear brought back to life. BTW i have one sitting on my SP1 clone.

  2. I have a question, no shop online seems to list any info regarding the actual measurement of the FOV of this 4x scope (or the 3x version), do you know? Thanks

  3. So you and Chappie are in Ukraine (Foreign Legion) now, right? You really know how to shoot the guns and are not phony tough guys. Please send all of us some video of you using your Brownells Retro Carry Handle Scope to help save Europe! Real tough guys in Ukraine, phony tough guys making gun videos on Youtube.

  4. NOT a good test of the scope…sight it in on 100 m range, move to each of the 200, 300, 400, 500m ranges, adjust the scope accordingly, then go back to the 100, and repeat…

  5. I wish we had ranges this nice where I live in the mid west. Many ranges that come close to this in the US are full of intolerable people that don't want you to be a member and would rather you not be there. Is this also the case in Switzerland?

    Do you have Boomer Fudds in Switzerland?

  6. I can hear my instructor from boot camp yelling "FORWARD ASSIST!!!!" Years ago I bought an M16A1 parts kit complete with bayonet and sling and after buying a semi-auto receiver from NODAKSPUD and a new barrel I had a sweet little almost all G.I. semi-auto M16A1. I found an original 3X20 Colt scope which I leave on so as to not change its zero. I bought a few thousand 45 year old M193 which was well past it's prime but when handloaded I get 2 MOA all day long with surplus pulled 55 grain bullets.

  7. Good to know! I have one of those retro scopes on my M16E1 clone, and I've always just kept it on the 100/200 setting and done holdovers, not trusting the BDC. I'll have to give mine a real test now.

  8. I quite like the look of these, and I keep going back and forth on buying one for my A1 clone. The big thing for me is that I don't think they hold zero when dismounted and remounted, though perhaps someone who owns one can correct me there, and I really like shooting the rifle with ironsights too, so that's sort of a no go.

  9. Re: keeping it set at 300. FWIW, in the late 60’s the US Army taught soldiers to maintain a 300 meter zero with either the 14 or 16. Using iron sights, the shooter was to estimate range and use a sight picture maintaining the front sight on the “enemy’s” belt buckle at 300 and below. Above 300 we were to place the front sight on his chest. From experience this works on large targets. Keeping the scope set at 300 is a wise idea and you still maintain a simple way to engage with some precision at various ranges.

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