Home EOTech EOtech 552 replica Airsoft Tan Verison by Unicorn

EOtech 552 replica Airsoft Tan Verison by Unicorn


EOtech 552 replica Airsoft Tan Verison by Unicorn. I brought this from RSOV.com.

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  1. @davidmei20 please answer back……does this sight have adjustable elevation and windage cause i heard a rumor that the elevation was broken and the screws are loose so do have to sight this in over time or does this sight keep its zero?

  2. @davidmei20 i heard that alot of replica eotech sights could not adjust by elevation and the screws were loose so you would have to sight it in every day but thats only about the china made versions and G&P/UFC. but does this one have the same problem???

  3. first of all i cant see how everybody comments on other peoples videos about "buy a real Eotech!" give me a break if you go out and pay over $80.00 for an airsoft optic youre a fuckin idiot. just send me your daddies money if you dont want it that bad. leave these guys alone. great vid guy great sight

  4. I really don't want to buy this, I want the real deal but I can't find it anywhere here in Finland… -_- And nobody seems to ship it here either on ebay.

  5. hey great review, i had it (love the 552 on my sig 552…lil side fat though) now when i said had…I mean had…It was shot at a skirmish the first day getting plexy glass was a project next week but..ya complete waste of money, get plexy glass dude!it save ya scope

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