A store owner in Norco, California sent a would-be armed robber running for his life early Sunday in a dramatic incident that was captured on surveillance video.
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he did not shoot the guy's arm off lmao. Anyone who has played Read Dead Redemption 2 knows close range and buckshot (default ammo) is how you shoot an arm off. the guy would not have been able to hold the gun or run if his arm was truly shot off. He would have died from shock and the blood lose alone before he made it to the car. I hope all 4 spend the rest of their live in jail rotting
Never mess with a silver fox, big bush and big gun!
why are ppl defending such "persons"??????????

this video. Finally one for the good guys! These thugs deserve it. I'm grateful the man is okay after having a heart attack – God bless
He had a heart attack a short while after the incident. What a story, surviving both an armed robbery and a heart attack in the same day
I bet he didn’t have ammo in his weapon just used as a scare tactic
Now imagine if this was a school. Lots of lives could be saved
The screaming got me laughing at 2 am
Not today satan not today!! Fill them full of lead grandpa !!
Dude in the black said nope after hearing the shot
and the squealing of the first black dude crying 
Never was justice so sweet. Enough of this criminal coddling crap, shoot them before they shoot you. Better judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Great job Mr Eastwood, way to send them running scared, These punks need to find a job instead
Ouch that probably hurt a wee bit.
This is how WE live in the USA…and China thinks they are gonna win a war against us?
Him crying like a baby is hilarious
i think that car was etheir stollen or brand new from the dealership which was probs stollen
I never saw his arm get shot off
Of the multiple crimes attempted by this crew, I will point out the smallest one:
They parked in the Disabled spot. That's called planning ahead.
Like they expected serious injury.
From tough to snuff in less than two seconds ^^
The energy he walked in with is totally different from the energy he ran out of there (literally shrieking in terror) with.

I'm on the side of the shop owner but, what the heck is going on?! This is insane. I can't imagine running a store and having someone with a gun like that threaten me. You couldn't put down your guard for one second. If I was serving a customer or multiple customers, I'd be looking at that damn door with my shotgun at the ready. It must be terrifying and exhausting. I would wonder when I left the store if that guy or friends of that guy were going to be waiting outside to execute me or worse, follow me home and execute my family. I couldn't live that way.
love it
I think he shot his arm off
The robber was 'disarmed'…
The robber was 'disarmed'…