Home AR-15 House Passes Unconstitutional AR-15 BAN Because of 2 Rinos

House Passes Unconstitutional AR-15 BAN Because of 2 Rinos

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  1. Seems we had an assault weapons ban.years ago. Murders went down. The ban a had sunset clause and assault weapons were again available. The murder rate increased. Comments?

  2. Actually gun laws are illegal and the government overstepped their boundaries illegally.
    "Shall not be infringed on".
    Gun laws are an "infringement".
    definition: the action of limiting or undermining something. "Limiting" who can have a firearm and where,when by directly "undermining" the 2nd amendment.

    1st part "A well regulated Militia" (well regulated) meaning responsible and knowledgeable with a firearm.
    A (Militia) was described as "able bodied men willing and able to take up arms if they should need to".

    The 2nd amendment was put in place to prevent (government overreach) from (infringing) on our (rights).
    This means police,military or reserves (DO NOT) classify as "militia" as some argue becuase they are a (government) entity.
    Time for case law.
    Miranda v arizona "where rights secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no ruling or legislation which would abrogate them".
    South carolina v united states " the constitution is a written instrument,as such its meaning does not alter.
    That which it ment when it was adopted,it means now".
    Marbury v madison "a citizen can refuse to follow a law that violates right that are constitutionally protected".

    If you are pro 2nd amendment you are pro 2nd amendment  for everyone.
    if you are not then you are not pro 2nd amendment, you're pro 2nd amendment to those you approve of.
    All these gun laws violate the constitution period and people need to stand up to this.
    Absolutely every person in the United states has an equal right to keep and bear arms.
    It does not matter what some state law says or city law says it does not matter your background.
    your are a "person" and a "citizen."
    (All state and city laws) are bound by the constitution.
    If they are not they do not have to be followed as they are tyranical in nature.
    Every single gun law lon the books is illegal.
    Nics background check is illegal,switch bans,magazine bans,bumpstock bans,assault weapons bans are all illegal.
    Every gun law back to 1934 legally has to go.

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