Home CMMG CMMG MK10 Banshee (10mm PDW)

CMMG MK10 Banshee (10mm PDW)


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  1. Bummer these don't come on 16" barrel size, for the price on these that should be an option for most of their models. Especially when there are other cheaper options out there.

  2. I have to get one of these to go with my Glock 20sf and model 40. I have a Tommy Built MP5/10 pistol w/retractable Taililhook mod 1 brace. I was thinking of getting the Kriss Vector 10mm pistol and brace it but this looks sweet. Love the 10mm

  3. I would really like to get this tested with an A5 length buffer tube and rifle-length spring instead of a carbine offering for both. You can still presumably run an 8oz buffer but maybe you don't need to with an A5H4 that weighs 6.83 oz. The same 8oz buffer would run smoother with more spring and I imagine it would still lock back on an empty magazine, especially when suppressed.

  4. After their branding restructuring, does the "Guard" line/designation still exist, or is the radial delayed action still just a subset of their 100, 200 and 300 lines of Banshee and Resolute series?

  5. Beefy for sure, really strong. Stronger than me for sure.. but can you drop behind those barrels for cover and and back up like a bunny rabbit? Sweet shooting on the move by the way 👌👌

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