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Video ©SPW-Media 2021 and ©RMG News 2021
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Instagram: RMGSPW
Video ©SPW-Media 2021 and ©RMG News 2021
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Fucked up the police see so much death they then got use to it
Guy's dead as a doornail. Dumb ass cops "you got any ID on you" !
figueroa and washington blvd in la
Happy ending
Yo the comments
The fore grip on the gun is reversed
Finally some raw stuff.
Gas 5.89 in chicago rn
Had to wait to see if that was a real person
YouTube keeps deleting my comment, lol. Bunch of snowflake liberals that can’t handle truth and choose to defend thugs.
Dam i thought it was a sketch!!!
If he had not tripped on his pants he may have survived.
Looks like criminal crap. If that’s the case the victim is the AR.
And no father grieved
By the time got into position to even aim that big Axx gun .. he had already been shot. Why are these lil guys walking around with ARs?
Nice weapon
RIP. That’s was a really nice SBR setup.
Fake video 100% and it's too easy to prove fake. If you don't see it. That's not my fault. Open your eyes
He probably saw the gas prices and took his life! Thanks, Joe Biden!!!
Training is worth more than the firearm. Being observant to your surroundings could save your life. Avoiding confrontation is always a good policy but if they are coming for you,training is your best defense. 2000 dollars or more on a firearm designed to take on multiple attackers and laying face down out in the open without any cover. The results are obvious.
so much for gun laws
His front sight was backwards

Talk about height over bore rent. Is so far up Jesus
No blood??