Broward County’s chief medical examiner, and the owner of the shop where the Parkland school shooter bought his AR-15 testified on Day 7 of the sentencing trial.
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Same model Jesus used when he shot up the Temple and the money changers Modified it to pump out the bullets twice as fast. Like a SAM PECKINPAH film, he shot them up in slo mo while he shredded them to Swiss Cheese. Blood, guts, bones and flesh flying everywhere while the joy of death was his facemask . That's in the bible along with the story of the two daughters getting their Dad drunk to have incestuous relations in a dark and dingy cave.
You have blood on your hands!
What a disgusting place to live
Why dont CBS news show the uncut version like fox? Oh thats right bacause their small chopped version can be twisted to fit their agenda.
better off giving the perpetrator death penalty ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Oh God poor parents!
I just have to say nick looks like one of the outlast twins
How or why can anyone off the street just walk into a school? How about stopping it at the door.
The man who sold the rifle must be held accountable. He helped a terrorist to carry out his plans.
Hope the father is getting counseling. He seems like the type that may not be able to deal with this loss. Horrible.
Why after 4 years that are deciding if he is going to be in prison for life or death penalty
I hate guns…here in Europe we have a dumb war now, and in USA people can buy guns and kill. So stupid qnd sad. Ban guns and done.
Why tf is he always wearing a mask
The jury is going INSIDE the 1200 building?? Why is this necessary if he’s already pled guilty and the state has presented over 400 pieces of evidence to build the argument for death penalty? This jury will need counseling when this is over. I hope there’s money in the budget for that.
Technically, there’s a black market for firearms and drugs. Nikolas Cruz didn’t seem to have any problem obtaining Xanax and Marijuana illegally so what makes people think that his plan would have been foiled just because he couldn’t procure an AR-15 through an authorized firearms dealer?
So you ask the purchaser what they're going to do with the weapon, and just take their word for it??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? This is what our gun laws allow?????
They should make an example of him for others to see. He should be sentenced to death. BUT! He should be locked in an escape proof wear house and hunted by the family members of the victims like the animal he is.
All of this is a total waste of time. Get on with it and put him on the electric chair. Skip the BS
When are Americans going to realize that the existing laws and requirements to purchase a gun are not enough. Not until it's your child who is killed ?
You go shooting handguns and shotguns for practice or hobby/past-time not an AR-15 assault rifle!!!!
a tactical weapon of war in the hands of an 18 yr old virgin …what could go wrong ?
4 years later why is still alive
Looking at Nicholas Cruz you can tell he has some type of mental illness the man that sold that semi-automatic to him should have done was call the non-emergency police and have them come talk to Nicholas Cruz before selling him that weapon I honestly believe he's at fault as well as Nicholas you can see Nicholas has issues it should never have been sold to him if they would have done a mental check on him they would have found that he would not be a good candidate to own weapons I feel that the man that sold it to him is just as much to blame and should be charged as well I feel sorry for all those families that lost their loved ones absolutely that is the saddest but I also feel for Nicholas Cruz he has a mother that has mental illness that is in prison most of the time a sister that is going to prison for life there is definitely mental illness and it was already well known that Nicholas Cruz had mental illness he had autism all those things that someone like that should not have any type of weapons especially a semi-automatic our laws definitely need to change and I hope that Nicholas Cruise does not get the death penalty I hope and pray that he goes to a mentally Institution for the criminally insane because he has issues and needed help right from the get-go yes what he did was wrong but you also have to look at his history
God, I seriously can't keep these shootings straight anymore there are so many. I needed a reminder of who this guy was.
Honestly if I was a gun shop owner I would stop selling ar to people. Hell no
Note how he CONCIOUSLY knew how lie about what he did BEFORE he did it and yet, I'm going to buy "mental issues?" Yeah right !
handmaids tale style stoning pls
The media politicians want you to focus on the 'DEMON / EVIL' gun. What most people do not know is less 1% of all rifles/hand guns in the U.S. are used in any crime.* Of all crimes committed with the use of a gun.
80% of the shooters are repeat criminals with police records
* FBI stats
It needs to be a criminal control goal not a gun control ban
Blame the PARENTS
It's not the guns fault!!!!
Good old America boys takes a murderer to court instead off giving him the same penalty he gave innocent people their fate they should due the same thing with his own weapon in his own life.. America and Americans are pathetic wen it comes to a murder and want to due a trail and its been a few years

have a nice day
Gun dealers can choose not to sell to minors or is that a crime?
If he doesn't get the death penalty in a death penalty state, how many school shootings will result from that? You can brutally murder as many children as you can, and live your life in protective custody? Three hots and a cot, cable TV, and deranged mass murder groupies writing you love letters? And never have to work another day in your life. What is the downside of being a mass murderer
God please comfort those poor people at this time! I don't know what else to say.