Home AR-15 Should AR-15s Have Side Folding Stocks? (Pros & Cons)

Should AR-15s Have Side Folding Stocks? (Pros & Cons)


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  1. I have a law tactical folder an with almost every round I have a failure to feed, it’s on a 16in AR an I’ve tried different ammo an mags. When I rack it theres is a good amount of added tension. Do I need a different buffer weight or buffer spring?

  2. Adding a folding stock on the AR did you have to add a heavier weight & spring to ensure the bcg completely goes forward? I’m having issues with this

  3. I feel like there's an outlier that needed to be touched on in this video. The Maxim defense SCW system. Again, it's an outlier. Good video though. I see a lot of guys online who get these folding adapters and unfortunately, use them in the wrong scenarios or apply them wrong.

  4. I actually had that issue a few months ago when I entered for the M14 Setup. Immediately called Customer service and got it cleared. I was hyped yet super skeptical about the whole situation

  5. We now have a good selection of uppers that do not require a buffer tube, but are still AR15 like and fit AR15 lowers. If you feel like you need a folding stock, get something that you can actually use while still folded. A folding buffer tube and stock is trading length for width when folded. A thin aluminum stock adds very little to the thickness of the rifle when folded.

    I use an A3 Tactical aluminum folding stock with a Sig hinge for my BRN-180S. It is way more compact when folded than any upper that requires a buffer tube. You can also easily fire it when folded. That's important if you are looking for something to use in and around a vehicle. I wouldn't want to have to try to unfold the stock while seated inside a vehicle.

    There's nothing wrong with all of these buffer tube folding adapters. They do what is advertised in most cases, but we now have 4-5 good options for non-buffer tube uppers that we didn't have 10 years ago.

  6. How about some type of drill set up (for 3 people)with multiple stations, a different full auto gun at each station. And you gotta drag a buddy dummy from station to station. Here's the fun part, when you get to each station…MAG DUMP! And see who gets the most amount of hits on target….Sounds like a good time for anybody! oh yeah…Where's K? We miss seeing her on the show..she's a trip!

  7. I have the sylvan arms adaptor on my 7.62×39 AR pistol. Highly reliable, functional, and allows me to stick the weapon into a normal backpack. I can't recommend it enough

  8. Exactly my point with that backpack mindset. I’m currently out hunting for a Bren 2 in 7.62×39 which by itself is pretty compact with the 11” barrel and it comes with a folding stock out of the box, so…that’s a pretty sweet setup. And supporting national economy is always a plus, right? 🙂
    Awesome video btw, as always! Keep it up

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