MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell details the many “systemic failures” that a Texas House committee report finds contributed to the mass shooting in Uvalde, but he says the single “decisive factor in this mass murder” that prevented 376 heavily armed officers from confronting the gunman for 77 minutes was his AR-15 weapon.
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#MSNBC #Police #Uvalde
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Arredondo was and is a blatant outright LIAR!! THE BIGGEST LIAR WITH LOTS OF BLOOD ON HIS HANDS FOREVER!!
As a European I can only say: “WTF! You're a very, very sick country, America!”
And cry . . . . .
Your reporting is so important Lawrence
If Americans really cared they would do something about their condition.
Charge the dealers, the uncle who drove him to the store, and the "friends" who did not report him as co-conspirators of mass murder and domestic terorism.
All about the ar. Covering for the elite and globalists
If these officers were "afraid" imagine the terror these children and teachers were experiencing.
We need to quit blindly thanking people for their service unless we see they just did something remarkable or heroic.
I'm outraged at the lack of a sense of urgency.
But they tough when you're handcuffed
Stop talking about this evil person. You’re doing exactly what he wanted!
Where did this kid get all that cash
Uvalde Police are COWARDS
They are a bunch of cowards. I am so sick of this country not doing the right thing regarding our children in public schools. This should not be allowed to happen continuously in this country. For these pro lifers stop just caring about the unborn and focus on caring for the living children. Smfh at those cowards cops and those Texas law makers as well
A lot of politicians will be greeting the devil.
their are all cowards
Cowards in uniform!!! They all need to be in jail for negligent homicide!!
I watched an interview of an uncle he stated "We should be watching the funerals of fallen heroes instead of those of little children" paraphrased. 1. I don't agree with that ! This shouldn't be happening period ! In our society. 2. Are we really asking them to die for us !? They have families are you wishing this type of grief on their children !? 3. We all would like to think we're brave until we're placed in that situation ! 4. Should/could they have done more ! Of course ! BUT DOING MORE ISNT WHAT YOURE ASKING ! THE ULTIMATE PRICE ! WE WOULD BE WATCHING THEIR FUNERALS ! THE KILLER IS FORGOTTEN LEFT US WITH GRIEF, BLAME & SHAME !
Why are Republicans so stupid when it comes to guns ?
Same story over and over again but guns are sacred, more sacred than Jesus and his teachings.
No matter how many doors are locked it won't stop the next person from attacking children as they enter or exit or go out for recess. Gaurantee the next one is planning how to get around these "locked doors" as I type this comment.. these politicians aren't as smart as these mass shooters.. they plan " how" to carry out these tragedies.. they're far from stupid.. and next school year there will be more mass shooters killing whomever they can.. just facts

Let's be clear. The fault lies with US the VOTERS. We voted for the guys who are BFFs with the NRA ; we dont pay enough attention to local elections for mayor, sheriff & city council members who enable bad cops. Elections matter! Pay attention & Research the candidates.
Every one of those officers should lose his/her job. They are paid to protect!!
I've been saying for years. After nothing changed after Sandy Hook when White Angelo children were murdered it's a wrap. America is eating its own.Uarmed Black/Latin people have been murdered for years by police for driving, walking, talking,and all most any other thing you can think of. But now they're showing their real colors to America. A large part of these police are lazy inept POS.
Nonsense ,they were giving racist orders to stand down at a school which was predominately Latino and they all know it .
If you're afraid to run into a room and right into danger DON'T BECOME A POLICE OFFICER. McDonald's is hiring.
a child calls 911 from a room full of his friends dying around him and you continue standing around yet an unarmed mother runs right in and saves her kids and others. tough guys during a traffic stop up against a black man but scared to save kids from a murderer. OVER 300 SCARED COPS!!!
Cops, all the gear, no idea!!……Well now we know. Cops are not there to ‘Protect & serve’ communities. They are there to collect fat paycheques, abuse constitutional rights by being ignorant of the law and their oath, shoot unarmed black & brown people reaching for their driving licences, claim they’re in fear the moment they leave there homes and go on paid vacations……Living the dream!!
376 good guys with a gun and they still couldn't do it Mr LaPierre !!!
60 magazines isn't a red flag?
They waited around while they looked for a radio to communicate,they already knew that cell-phones worked,cause an actual dying child rang the 911 operator for help from her classroom.!!!This was such a shameful thing to have happened when a stupid stupid bunch of idiotic cowardly men in charge,afraid of getting shot,leaving tens of poor children to defend themselves.!!!BAN ALL ASSAULT RIFLES.!!!BAN ALL ASSAULT RIFLES.!!!
Tells you how much of the police force is made up of cowards, 374 armed and armored cops against 1 guy with an AR-15
374 to 1 and they still stood there and sanitized their hands as children were blown to bits feet away……….
Then they had the nerve to try and twist the story to "The police saved hundreds of lives."
Every cop in America ought to be ashamed to wear a uniform.
Hero vs coward: do a comparison between the woman who ran into the school and got her children to the cop who's wife texted him that she had been shot and he just stood in the hallway, 20 or 30 feet from his dying wife and did nothing and is still on the job.
Oinkers gonna oink. Those cops are HIGHLY worthless, just like many others.
Also this is why we never should have guns like the AR-15 available to civilians. The only way they will or could be taken off the market is if Charles Cotton President, Wayne LaPierre as CEO/EVP were shot and killed there would be irony there. If the heads of Remington, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Mossberg, Colt they make really good AR-15’s , if they were shot to then maybe laws would change but Greed never goes away.
LoD is the best, by far, in analysis and commentary.