Today marks the initial signature collecting deadline for Initiative Petition 17. The petitioners claim to have gathered enough signatures to qualify it for the ballot this November. The Secretary of State will now have to certify if the signatures are sufficient.
IP 17 would:
– require a permit to purchase a firearm
– ban magazines over 10 rounds
– create a government registry of law-abiding gun owners’ personal info
– create an indefinite delay of firearms transfers
IP 17 is yet another anti-gun ballot initiative that seeks to further erode Second Amendment rights in Oregon. It imposes a permit requirement in order to exercise the Second Amendment right to acquire a firearm – including a classroom and live-fire training requirement, creates a state registry of firearm owners and their sensitive personal information, bans magazines over 10 rounds of ammunition, and allows for the indefinite delay of firearm transfers. The permit application process includes a one-size-fits-all training mandate, a subjective mental health review that is ripe for abuse, submission of fingerprints, and payment of a fee – up to $65 to apply, and up to $50 to renew. Issuing authorities have up to 30 days to issue permits to qualified applicants and they must be renewed every five years. Meanwhile, criminals will continue obtaining their firearms illegally.
The effort to place Initiative Petition 18, an “assault weapons” ban, onto the ballot was abandoned, and the backers will attempt to push those infringements during the legislative session.
The NRA staunchly opposes these unconstitutional efforts. Should the Secretary of State certify that the petitioners have gathered enough signatures, the NRA will lead the way to defeat this unconstitutional initiative. Please stay tuned to www.nraila.org and your email inbox for further updates.
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