On the heels of last week’s landmark Supreme Court decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen, Majority Democrats in Trenton doubled down on even more Second Amendment infringements by passing yet another package of gun bills. This is the third gun-control package put forward by Gov. Phil Murphy, as the previous packages continue to be abject failures.
Your NRA-ILA was in Trenton last week to testify against these bills in both the Assembly Judiciary Committee and the Senate Law & Public Safety Committee. This has never been about public safety, and gun owner concerns on these bills were resoundingly dismissed. Legislators were challenged to point to a single case in New Jersey where a .50 Cal was used in the commission of a crime – no examples were offered. It was also pointed out that not a single state has been able to implement microstamping because the technology is not feasible. Anti-gun politicians ignored these issues and moved forward with more gun bans, registration, and onerous requirements simply to possess a firearm.
The following bills cleared both chambers this week and are headed to the Governor for his signature.
A.1302 Ammunition registration.
A.1765 Manufacturer liability.
A.4368 Microstamping.
A.4370 Mandatory training for FID card issuance.
S.1204 Registration of guns by new residents.
S.2846 10 years in jail for previously legal gun kits.
S.2905 Bans .50 Caliber BMG.
In addition to last week’s Supreme Court ruling, which forced the New Jersey Attorney General to direct issuing authorities to stop enforcing “justifiable need,” the court this week also vacated lower court decisions on magazine and semi-auto bans and remanded those cases back to the lower courts for reconsideration. However, New Jersey politicians insist on passing more gun laws that ignore the Constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners. Rest assured, we will continue to oppose all infringements and vigorously challenge them.
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