Home AR-15 Michael Franzese Reacts To Buying An AR-15 in 19 Minutes

Michael Franzese Reacts To Buying An AR-15 in 19 Minutes


Patrick Bet-David Podcast Episode 163. In this short clip, Michael Franzese, Patrick Bet-David, and Adam Sosnick talk about background checks to purchase a gun.

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  1. I’m open for conversation for solutions. But when you consider that those who are making these laws and rules are also aware of (and maybe even doing business with) the Mexican drug cartels just south of USA is definitely something to consider. Especially when you see how violent they are

  2. You have a leak in your argument because you are atributing 5% of mass shootings rather than lives saved. Parkland, fedex facility, and uvalde all would of been prevented if age was 21

  3. The fact is that if someone wants to hurt people, they'll find a way to do it. Pass legislation for longer wait times and/or more thorough background checks, it may only prevent a very small percentage of shootings, as Pat mentions here. Pass legislation for limiting the type/number of weapons, people will just use whatever they can get their hands on. Pass legislation to make gun ownership illegal for citizens, people will just use/make other weapons (i.e. chemical, biological, explosives, etc.). There are plenty of other countries where gun ownership is extremely prevalent, for example, Canada, that don't have NEARLY the same amount of gun violence, so the actual legislation around acquiring and/or owning firearms won't really affect much. Anti-gun activists will try to debate this all day, but I'm not aware of any historical precedence where making firearm laws more strict has resulted in a dramatic decrease in gun violence. Seriously, though, if it does exist, can someone please help me out and drop a link?

  4. You can go into the military at the age of 17. Have an M-16 put in your hands and sent onto a battlefield. What people are complaining about someone at 18 going into a gun store and buying a rifle. Those ignorant individuals that don’t know anything about buying firearms. A background check is always done prior to try to buy any firearm at a gun store. I myself have seen people reject it from buying a firearm because they didn’t check out. So this nonsense about buying firearms without a background check is 100% faults.

  5. "shall not be infringed…" just pointing out that although the 2nd Ammendment doesn't specify a processing speed to purchase a firearm it does have a little specificity on the "right of the people to keep and bear arms."

  6. This is coming from a convicted criminal (Michael Franzese) about what guns people should have. As for Adam is a Beta male from what I have seen in multiple episodes and shorts and in my opinion has no credibility when it comes to firearms issue he has seemingly is too emotional on issues. As for your service in the military I thank you and respect you for that. Storing of weapons in the military is a lot different especially in peacetime than it is in the civilian world. You can thank former presidents like Clinton and Bush for you having to store your weapons and check them in and out. It is also inventory issue that all weapons need to be accounted for. Also the military is not allowed to operate in a policing fashion within the borders of the United states. I am pretty sure that the soldiers that were deployed in Afghanistan in Iraq had weapons at the ready at all times. Up until 1934 in the passage of the NFA you could mail order machine guns and have them shipped straight to your house and then Up till the passage of the gun Control Act of 1968 you could still mail order guns or walk into a store and buy a gun without a background check. Then after the Hughes amendment that was passed in 1986 we were no longer allowed to buy brand new machine guns. For those of you that feel, why should People be allowed to or need to own an AR-15 I say it is not called the bill of needs. It is called the Bill of Rights. The reason you were allowed to go in and purchase an AR15 not and M16 and walk out within 19 minutes is because you did have a background check run it is called the NICS check or National instant criminal system check. If the federal government and the states are importing the correct information then there should not be an issue. I know of multiple people who have had their background checks held up because of erroneous data that is fine and I understand that sometimes these things happen but your portrayal of that it was too fast is completely wrong. About looking into mental health issues now you're getting into what they call HIPAA violations Which could cause people to go to prison or lose their jobs because they divulged information that is supposed to be kept private and confidential between health care professionals and the individual. I do agree that if someone has a mental issue that could be deemed dangerous to him or herself and others should not be allowed to purchase firearms but in that case they must be properly adjudicated through the courts. And in this case it would show up on a NICS check. As for all of these people talking about 18 is too young to purchase firearms then strip the 18 year olds of all their other rights otherwise it should be a moot point.

  7. Pat, you're not getting it. Elongating the time to purchase is what you're talking about (with the 5% to 10% reduction). They're talking about essentially banning anyone under 21 to buy them at all, which pretty much eliminates 80% to 90% of the school shootings, since the MEDIAN AGE of school shooters is 16.
    1 minute of research:
    "Federal law prohibits handgun ownership by any person under the age 18, with a handful of exceptions. But there is no minimum age for long gun (i.e. rifle and shotgun) ownership. Twenty states and the District of Columbia have set their own minimum age laws ranging from 14 in Montana to 21 in Illinois, but in the remaining 30 states it’s technically legal for a child to possess a long gun."

  8. This is hard to watch, every rifle in America only accounts for roughly 400 deaths on any year. To put that into perspective swimming pools amount to 1,500-2,000 deaths a year (mostly children). Americans defend themselves against criminals roughly 500,000-3,000,000 times a year according to the CDC. Majority of them just by brandishing their firearms. Women defend themselves with a gun 200,000 times a year, from violent attackers. They’re arguing for a nonexistent issue, they’re arguing for handguns when the majority of murders are committed with handguns. 54% of gun deaths are suicides.

    Being a street guy, Michael
    Knows these laws won’t stop criminals from getting guns, therefore what he’s arguing would only affect those who abide by these laws.

  9. I find this hilarious! Even the right wingers are sabotaging firearms rights. Be careful everyone….the media can shift your paradigm quicker than you think. A gun is a piece of metal with some wood or plastic period. Humans build them, load them and point them. Pick up a history book and you will see that murder has nothing to do with what type of weapon you use. A firearm is the best thing to happen to civilization. It's loud and it leaves evidence. The percentage of actual mass shootings that Target innocent people that the shooter doesn't know is VERY low. Compare random deaths via firearms to random car deaths via accidents. Murder is a very personal thing that will never be stopped no matter what we do as a society. The one thing that can be slowed down and decreased slightly would be gang/drugs related murder. It still has nothing to do with firearms because even if crack dealer joey had a beef with rival crack dealer John you really think that just because joey couldn't find a firearm he would just lose the thought of killing John??? Really? I guess all the litter on the streets is because garbage doesn't like going into a cans. Lmao wow! And this is considered a right wing podcast!? Smh… God help America.

  10. The reason why gun rights advocates are so staunchly against any further restrictions to access to firearms is that they have already made so many compromises. How did we get from "shall not be infringed" to all of these infringements? We know that it will never be enough to appease the anti-gunners. Give an inch, take a mile. Sorry, but no more.

  11. Yes you were not restricted from purchasing a weapon but your name was entered into a Federal Data base and it showed you had no felonies and you answered mental health questions and the FBI data base said you were clear to buy the weapon

  12. It's absolutely mental that is as a UK citizen seeing this…if you want a gun over here you need to be a member of a gun club and then get background checked and also a secure lock up cabinet at home which gets inspected.

    We have zero of those mass scale shootings over here…

  13. Hold up, you want to know where my parents are at 22? My parents are back in Texas and I’m in NH working, building my own life for my own kids. Tf you need my parents for

  14. I’m a conservative and I’m strongly pro-2A. I think it should take an extra few days & that the background of ‘troubled youths’ should be included in the NICS, and I think that the age for purchasing a semi-auto should be raised to 21.

  15. We don't have a gun problem. We have a culture problem. None of what is being proposed in legislation will have an inkling of an impact on what it is pretending to address. There are too many unintended consequences for passing laws just to make people "feel" better. That is why the pro 2A folks are so adamant about not giving more power and control to government.

  16. So, did you own guns before the video then? Misleading as hell to pull up a video without any context other than the time it took. No reference to if they asked you any questions, did they do a background check? It's up to the shops discretion to make a judgement on you. They can refuse to sell to you if they want. Yes, I want the average law abing to be able to get a gun as soon as they can get to the store. You have no right to judge anyone without evidence. Innocent until proven guilty. The issues is not guns and never has been. It is people, it is society plain and simple.

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