Aired on the KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 on June 27, 2022.
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Why can't they say he walked in with the gun to ROB the store instead of making like he had it for nothing.
If you're going to go to prison for 20 years, shouldn't you do it for some Round Table?
Whats wrong man you can do it in Juarez!
I thought firearms were illegal in CA…?

At least it wasn't a fully semi automatic death machine capable of firing million rounds a minute!
Didn't know Lil Ceasers was a restaurant
Kid played so much COD, he sees the world as one giant COD field
Y'all are missing the big crime here.
dude only has a rear sight and it is backwards!
Oh cool
And then the country turned the gun on itself.
Gascone will let him out the same day. Sad.
What a PUNK!!!!!! I've patronized that location a few times.
This is a perfect example of why we all need and have the right to bear arms we are responsible for our own and other peoples safety period Lonnie ray
He's probably a fed
Has to be fake cause making things illegal stops it from happening

He can afford an expensive rifle but not a $5 pizza??
He could have at least put a front sight on that SBR.
A taser, really? They should have lit him up, make an example.
I think that is a hell of a deal, gets to go to jail eat all the food he wants. No more dead pizza.
WHAT..??? That's one smart dude trying to rob a little Ceasars….or was he protesting bad taste


You never know the police are legally allowed to lie
Don’t dare mention he has mental problems. Call it like it is, he’s an absolute idiot.
Unfortunately, it is illegal to open carry in California.
20 year old white hispanic
First of all Ontario is whacked for posting armed robbery if it was food items being taken it was petty theft but that’s not the case and Pablo didn’t pull out any fire arm or threaten anyone even the Ontario of said no customers or police were harmed
Did he at least get bread sticks?
So what? We have god given right to keep and bear arms. Sounds like a good Samaritan to me.
Taser vs. AR-15. Am i missing something here.
All that for t dollar pizza?? Would of just sold the guns and made 2k