Home CMMG DISSENT 300 BLK Compact Personal Defense Weapon

DISSENT 300 BLK Compact Personal Defense Weapon


The CMMG dissent is a new pistol from CMMG that looks to make a substantial improvement over the AR design. Most notably a side charging upper, that needs no buffer handicap. This compact self defense gun is chambered in 300 black out but there are currently other models in 5.56 and 5.7. All of these are built around a 6.5″ barrel making them one of the smallest viable PDWs available today.

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00:00 Introduction
01:19 Dissent Specs
03:31 Stabilize 300 blk
10:30 Magazine Compatibility
15:54 No Forward Assist
18:59 Final Thoughts on the Dissent

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  1. The .300 Blk specific mags are generally needed for loading heavy, fat nosed lead bullets. The fat nose will impact on the side guide ribs on some 5.56 mags resulting in jams if you load more that 5-6 rounds. But for typical spitzer bullets regular 5.56 mags work fine.

  2. Cool blaster. Not happy with the 1:7 twist, would have preferred a 1:5.
    The problem with 5.56 mags is when you load more than a few fat subs they bind up. I can’t even load most of my 5.56 mags full with normal subs.

  3. Why wouldn’t CMMG go to a 1:5 twist rate for the .300 BLK Dissent?? A 1:5 twist rate would stabilize those heavy sub-sonic projectiles more reliably, and it would also give a slight increase to the amount of energy ft lbs delivered on target..

  4. I can't wait for CMMG to upsize this design to Short action cartridges and maybe chamber in the new 8.6 Blackout.

    But yes, CMMG is missing the whole faster twist for .300 Blackout and they should embrace the muzzle taper.

  5. Direct impingement you say? So it could be compatible with mil-spec barrels if CMMG wanted it to be. It would be nice to have the option to change this to a 8.5” inch barrel with a faster twist rate like 1/5 for both heavy subs and light supers.

  6. Fucking A Curt!!! Lol People love to go back to Clint Smith's statement about "If it doesn't go the first time then get it outta there", sure! I'd normally agree, kinda Haha EXCEPT nowadays the ammo is 100% higher, if not more! Throwing a round on the ground when you don't have to is nice not to have to do. In my experience, most of the time the gun is just dirty or something small. It's not normally the bullet's fault Lol having that nice little cut out on the bolt is simple and EXTREMELY useful when it's needed. I like the idea of having a mountable assist instead of the shell deflector or just combine them. My ONLY complaint with these rifles/pistols is that fucking MSRP…… WHY CMMG????? Come on you guys' Haha I saw $1,800-$2,000, correct me if I'm wrong Curt??

  7. To me there’s a few things any carbine or similar needs. One is some way to battery assist. Another is a last round bolt hold open (looking at you AK’s and MP5’s). The 5.7 version interested me except that IMO a 5.7 carbine/pistol should always use a P90 mag.

  8. Looks like you need some captured Hammer and trigger pins. They were walking out already! Not good. I do like the platform may get an upper for my Banshee 22lr SBR as it does not require a buffer on it.

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