Home AR-15 AK47 VS AR15

AK47 VS AR15


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  1. I was in the marines and even worked on a rifle range for multiple years….i know ar rifles very well and all ima say is I will never own a AR. In a time that you would need an rifle to protect yourself I'd take my ak any day. The reliability even shooting cheap amo alone is far past what ive seen any AR have. Personally I've never seen any issues with accuracy if you apply the fundamentals. Also if I use a loop sling I can definitely kill a person at ranges much farther than I would need. The ak47 underfolder is the gun I would grab out of all of my guns if "shit hit the fan"

  2. Why didn't you just use a black marker on each jug to identify the order? As for ballistics, the larger round obviously has more mass and impact, therefore greater penetration.

  3. What people really need to realize is shooting water jugs isn’t gonna show you which gun is better this video is basically comparing bullet size lol of course a bigger bullet does more damage but all in all if you don’t actually know rifles don’t try and make videos on them….😂

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