Home AR-15 Why gun owners say they love AR-15 style rifles

Why gun owners say they love AR-15 style rifles


While AR-15 style rifles have a political and symbolic value for some gun owners, others say they are simply enjoyable to own. CNN’s Randi Kaye goes behind the reasons why.
#RandiKaye #ac360 #CNN

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  1. Pop quiz asshole: 4 guys kick in your door, break in your inner city home carrying dracos, and pistols with extended 30+ rounds magazines. Due to the gun laws you have less than 10 rounds in your handgun. What do you do? What do you do? (Keanu Reeves voice)

  2. I don't live in the USA and don't understand the obsession with firearms and the belief that owning an assault rifle is necessary for self-protection.
    I live in Ireland and have never heard gunshot fired in anger. I don't own a firearm and don't believe I need one, and feel comfortable that I live in a free and safe country.
    I do accept the history of gun culture in the USA, but don't understand why sensible gun safety regulations aren't enacted to deal with what is a problem that exists nowhere else in the developed world.

  3. Nothing tears a body apart more than a close range 00 Buck round from a 12 gauge shotgun. Crying about an ar 15, because of the potential lethality is b.s. when literal hunting rounds do more damage .308, 30-06, 6.5 etc. Almost Every police officer in the country owns ,or has been issued an ar 15. Remember the little girl killed in a California dressing room by a police officer with an ar 15. I'm willing to play ball if the regular police are banned from carrying AR 15, obviously not S.R.T. or swat teams they are the exception.

  4. I am a second Amendment guy but they are not practical. What situation would you need these firearms? Canada or Mexico invading ? The "tyrannical government "? That being said I would own these for sport if i lived where I can obtain these.

  5. Yall act like these guns are these crazy absurd out of this world object and you can just say rifle adding ar-15 just to stir up people who have no idea about firearms. It's a very basic object

  6. I was 16, 115lbs, mountain of a man walked into BK took off his belt, a chain, swinging around threatening everyone. Minding my own business eating a sandwich. He Jumped the counter. That day I decided to legally carry a gun when I could. Being defenseless is not a good feeling. Until you are in this situation you will NEVER understand. Hopefully you never will experience something like this! Took 6 cops to put handcuffs on that man. Took minutes for them to arrive but we had seconds. He just chose not to bash our heads in. It was along time ago also. Today it would be a gun not chain! You are ultimately responsible for your safety and your family. When bad guys have guns, you need one too. I’m your fellow citizen and would try to help you too! Don’t take that help and right away from us even if you don’t like guns. It could matter one day, God only knows! Laws don’t protect, people do!

  7. Why are Americans paranoid about defending themselves against perceived threats? Does this kind of thinking indicate a frontier attitude. This is something that could only happen in the Great American Experiment.

  8. Surviving breast cancer is a bogus excuse to use a weapon designed to kill a lot of people. I found weight training and marital arts helped me recover from the trifecta of pain, chemo, surgery and radiation, and the resultant loss of muscle and balance. I doubt shooting a gun helped her recover her strength or balance, like a good training regimen does. She'd have done better to go to a gym, rather than a range.

  9. These rifle's are America's freedom rifles and should be loved by everyone that enjoys the freedom we have in this country. If you believe AR-15 shoot people show me any news video of mass shooting where the police are at the scene and their AR-15's just start shooting people by it's self. People shooting people not guns. Use your D.A.M.N. brains people.

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