Home AR-15 Why this retired teacher in Colorado destroyed his AR-15 after the Uvalde...

Why this retired teacher in Colorado destroyed his AR-15 after the Uvalde shooting


Steven Johnson, in Longmont, said that after seeing AR-style guns used in a mass shooting after mass shooting, he decided to remove his from the world.

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  1. Yes because reposnsible law abiding people who destroy their rifles with fix anything. News flash, there are still more guns than people, and the less guns we have in the hands of good people, the worse off we are.

  2. It's just a political statement. The guy who did this to his AR is not a true gun owner nor does he respect and have passion for firearms and the 2nd amendment but in fact just a liberal that went out and purchased a rifle during the pandemic because he was a scared little boy and didn't want to be harmed at the time. So, you are not showing us anything but a non firearm enthusiast destroying a rifle. Political statement!

  3. I as a parent have a few gun's in the house for protection. I do not carry them with me when we are in town, that is why we have the police force to serve and protect. The police need to drive by every school every time during school hours. Let this be known in the TV news and the newspapers. That will make us the parents feel our children are safe in school.

  4. As a colorado gun owner, a colorado native and a descendant of Colorado settlers: WE WILL NOT COMPLY. Our guns are NOT going to be turned in. ANY attempt to limit or take our rights WILL BE MET WITH SUBSTANTIAL CONSEQUENCES.


  5. Would be interested in two other thoughts from him:
    1. Does he have any other semi-autos, rifles/shotguns/handguns, and plans for them?
    2. Thoughts on amending 2A? Or, a constitutional convention?

  6. Ok but he should get his underlying mental health issues checked out. Sure he cut his access to his AR but he could easily use or aquire other weapons.
    Keep an eye on this guy!

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