Home AR-15 Local gun experts shed light on AR-15 style rifles, encourages firearm education

Local gun experts shed light on AR-15 style rifles, encourages firearm education


Local gun experts shed light on AR-15 style rifles, encourages firearm education

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  1. Man we so sick of the stupid president he don't know what to do to make it look like he is doing something. In the eye of the American people . He needs to just sit down & we need to bring a real president in house. 😢. 1st he was saying it was all the ghost guns. Now he wants to go after the AR 15 smh.. he need to be looking for a good nursing home for his ass lol ..sit down #we need a real president ASAP . You can't stop people 's second amendment. Stupid president…smh 😲

  2. Let's say we are going to put "good guys with guns" in our public buildings and spaces. The officer would need to wear the same tactical gear that the shooters have been using including an assault rifle to even come close to making it a fair fight. Don't forget that the "good guy with a gun" will most likely not have any prior warning. The GOP's position does not stand up at all as a viable solution. An officer on school grounds carrying a handgun does not stand much of a chance against a heavily armed suspect ready to kill anything that moves. Let's talk about some viable common sense solutions. #NOTADOORISSUE #PROTECTOURCHILDREN #8NEWSNOW

  3. Remember the reason for the second amendment is to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government. When the government takes away your guns it's game over. Look at governments in the past that have killed millions of it's own people who could not defend themselves. Don't say it will never happen again.

  4. That's bullshit dealers have nothing to do what another dumbass dose with their guns…so we can start to sue car dealers ships or judges when they let some go knowing they are high risk to the public

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