Richard Small is a self proclaimed “NRA Republican” and long-time gun owner who says the Uvalde, Texas, shooting made him question why he owned an AR-15-style gun – a gun that has been used in multiple mass shooting in the US.
#ErinBurnettOutFront #CNN #Uvalde
As Uvalde funerals continue, authorities’ timeline of the terror at Robb Elementary continues to shift
By Travis Caldwell, Jason Hanna and Ashley Killough, CNN
With more funerals and visitations scheduled Wednesday for victims of the deadliest US school shooting in nearly 10 years, more changes in authorities’ narrative of how the May 24 massacre unfolded in the South Texas city of Uvalde are emerging.
The Texas Department of Public Safety, or DPS, now says the door the shooter used to access Robb Elementary was closed, though not locked, when he entered before killing 21 people there.
That’s a change from last week, when DPS Director Col. Steven McCraw said the back door had been propped open by a teacher. On Tuesday, its spokesperson Travis Considine told the Associated Press the teacher closed the door once she realized a shooter was on campus, but the door did not lock. The department’s press secretary confirmed Tuesday to CNN the AP report was accurate.
Nineteen children and two teachers were killed after an 18-year-old gunman entered adjoining classrooms and opened fire.
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The vast majority of the 8 billions humans today (let alone the 100 billion that have existed in the past) seem to manage to get through life just fine without ever having a gun. Anyone who claims they need one is lying. Crying "defense" is specious rubbish because that only works if bad guys also have guns, but if nobody had them (other than maybe law-enforcement, though even then, a lot of places seem to get by just fine without even that), then you wouldn't need to defend against them.
He has every prerogative to stop using or get rid of any guns he has. That doesn't mean because he bought an AR many years ago and by his own admission took it out 2 or 3 times, that he's some kind of expert on it. Declaring that an AR can't be used for hunting is silly. Lots of people use them for hunting.
Ok, I believe that in his heart, he felt it was the right thing to do now; besides he feels bad because his wife does. But.. if he agrees that gun laws need to change will he do something? Mass shootings in schools with an AR-15 didn't faze him before THIS shooting because now it's happened nearby.
He feels bad now but will he eventually just wait a while and by a NEW AR-15 later?
What do you mean "nobackground check pretty much"? You have no clue whqt your talking about
The USA is collectively psychotic and obsessed with playing cowboys and indians.
How else does a young man, just turned 18, buy, legally, such weapons and ammunition?
The very fact that the government is always after my guns shows just how much I need them.
Yep. Give up your AR-15 so that it can go to criminals. Because it most likely will. The issue isn’t the guns. Its the trash that commit these horrible crimes.
Did he think he was going to murder someone with it? Why else would you do this senseless virtue signaling
Who cares? We aren't giving up our God given right to bear arms, no matter what law you pass. It's interesting that the people calling for gun control are protected by people with guns.
Giving your weapons/firearms, or the ability to defend yourself personally is not gonna do things positively and it's gonna make you a slaves and more defenseless against threats.
So send AR15s to the Ukraine, but encourage Americans to give up AR 15s??? Did you ever stop and think that our 2A is what keeps us from being invaded by other countries??
so nice to hear from a law abiding common sense gun owner, thank you.

Why do we not go after the Bloods and Crips and other gangs? Aren't they responsible for more homicides?.. With guns
This man's delay in understanding the danger of assault weapons is why no child belongs in tx. So many never get there. I was vehemently opposed to automatic weapon sales when they started. I will never own a gun, I spent a long nursing career supporting the health of women and children, supporting reproductive freedom.Idiots saying guns don't kill have no place in offices of responsibility in this country.
I don't give a rats ass what this clown has to say. There is no debate on 2a. The founding fathers new what they were doing.
LORD BLESS this Man!!!! THIS is EXACTLY What we NEED in this Country!! People like THIS Man who looks deep in his Heart and puts ASIDE his own "Rights" FOR the GOOD of his American Citizens!!! I hope ALL of the GOP and the NRA watch this and REPENT of their RIDICULOUS Position on Guns!!! We need MORE people like Richard Small!!!
Thank you for your change of heart. No one needs an assault weapon. Press on with Uvalde! These young men CAN PASS background checks.
To that gentleman: Thank you. You probably saved lives.
Lies for u feeble sheep. Cnn loves u for being empty vessels.
Lol.. I just bought one. Is it magically going to shoot people? Thats what Democrats believe.
Just because this person gave ip his 2A rights does not mean that the rest of us will. It's our constitutional and God given right. Giving up your guns will never stop a monster with a gun. Criminals are not law abiding gun owners. I will maintain my tight to protect and defend myself and others against such people.
Thank you for your honesty and acknowledging what many don't want to recognize. Teenage years are marked by the quest for identity, and most people at that age are still living at home with their parents. Science tells us that those quests of identity are also periods of emotional ups and downs. So, why will we, humans, think it is suitable for someone of that age to own a rifle is something society has to answer. And one other thing in this interview is the anecdote about the child who looks like his grandson. When you have a moment like that, it sure can change minds. Sending peace and comfort to all. And for those pointing at mental health, now, here is an entire community traumatized, a generation of kids traumatized, hence might need therapy for the most part of their lives. So, the more these tragedies happen, the worse society's mental health gets. Change can only be effective if it comes with a comprehensive approach to a problem. Mental health can be part of the solution, as well as the conversation this parent is having with the journalist.
I think he and others that share his sentiments should give up all alcohol consumption.
Peoples lives a ruined by alcohol.
I think people should have the right to own a hand gun or a shotgun to protect their homes. No one needs a uzi and people shouldn’t be walking the streets with guns.
Well that's great that he donated the weapon to the police department but it doesn't bring back those people's children that's just clearing his conscience
How about we address the real problem.
And it is not gun control. Maybe lock the doors have armed guards and stop teaching CTR GENDER NUTRAL B.S put GOD BACK IN THE CLASSROOM….
FYI you can have my guns but you will get the ammo first at high velocity.
not even feral pigs??
He's no NRA member. He doesn't know what he's talking about. 223 is a very common caliber used in hunting and many people use the AR for that purpose. There is not a single gun you can point to that will kill animals but won't kill people. Every gun can be used as an "assault weapon".
That baby looks like him. He may not see it, but I know his wife does. Rogelio (May he Rest In Peace) looks like his grandson, whom reflects his grandfather’s face.
He does not realize it, but he sees himself in Rogelio.

Diabetic gives up spoons after an obese lady dies from eating cake with one
"ThE aR iS a WeApOn Of WaR, aNd MoRe DeAdLy ThEn NoRmAl GuNs!#$!"
Up until this shooting, this guy still had an AR-15 in his possession, which would've made him the "enemy" in the eyes of CNN.
That’s the problem folks finally someone who thinks past there own nose just a plain human being with a heart