Home AR-15 Biden: Buy a shotgun, not an AR-15

Biden: Buy a shotgun, not an AR-15


Vice President Joe Biden appeared at an online town hall on gun control and offered advice on his weapon of choice.

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  1. so…. uh did no one show him a clip of a woman shooting a shotgun vs shooting an AR?
    shotguns have much more recoil and is much more difficult for the fairer sex to handle. ARs are much more controllable for women and even younger children.

  2. Hey,Big Guy…we know that your masters at Rat Party Headquarters have instructed you to change your tune on the 2nd Amendment but my home,and my family,are protected by Glock,Smith & Wesson and a couple of AR-15s,all recently acquired. Why? Because when phonies like you tell me that I don't need,or deserve,a firearm I know that I need ten.

  3. First : buy a shotgun not an Ar ..
    Tomorrow : buy a revolver not a shotgun ..
    Next : buy a knife not a revolver …
    Unarmed people are easy to Smash their rigths …

  4. AR15s have many legitimate uses: Hunting;,target practice; vermin control; home defense, and preeminently per the intent of the US Constitution, as DETERRENCE against the historically inevitable deterioration of governments into tyrannies that rob citizens of their rights while reigning terrors upon them. The AR15 is but an essential tool in the hands of law-abiding American Citizens who value their God-given rights to freedom & liberty. The US Constitution purposely incorporated no provision for gun control, knowing despots leverage such to remove Citizen DETERRENCE. Shotguns are not up to the task of standing up against tyrants themselves who are armed with AR15s. The battles in Ukraine is a prime example!

  5. Yeah great idea guys. Let me just fire 2 shots into the air with a double barrel shotgun against the criminal with a handgun. Now while I am reloading I have to pray that the criminal's gun jams.

  6. Joe: “Jill, if anyone is a threat to you or our family, blast two rounds in the air from our double barrel shotgun. Nothing will defend you better than 2 empty shells in a double barrel shotgun.”

  7. How the hell is a ar15 harder to shoot then a shotgun for a men and women the kick back of an ar15 with be lighter then a shotgun maybe the shotgun will deal more dangerous at close range but can be taken away a pistol or small pistol ar15 would be very good as a home defense

  8. He was an idiot then just like he's an idiot now. It's Amateur hour in Washington DC right now and it shows. He's wrecked the economy he's wrecked the oil industry he's well on his way to wrecking the nation. And fuck everybody who voted for him.. which we know wasn't that many because Dominion voting systems helped him get elected

  9. Thank You Joe i just bought a fully automatic AA12 with a double 100 round drum magazine and what i mean by double is cuz theres 200 rounds and guess what buddy my friend had to use it and now he has felonys and the thing was chambered with 12 gauge and there was birdshot in it and he heard a bump outside so we fired 30 rounds into the air and the neighbors kid is in the hospital now and they said there were thousands of small bbs in him and my friends felony costed 2,000,000 dollars thank you joe oh and i also got a felony for doing that to with my double barrel and the next day i saw the neighbors car broken with little holes in it. NOTE: ALL OF THIS ACTUALLY HAPPEND

  10. Fine, I'll get a double barrel.

    It's called the DB-2 Satara and it shoots through walls.

    Or how about the DB-4 Palica, which has homing bullets?

    Or how about the Carnage? 4-Gauge pump-action.

    What's that?

    It has to be real?

    Well then, give me any tube-fed shotgun and I'll be good.

  11. This guy wants his weirdo wife caretaker to shoot not only 1 but 2 “blasts” from a DOUBLE BARREL 12 GAUGE, waisting ammo, breaking his wife’s shoulder all while committing a crime; just to scare off home invaders.

    I’ll stick to my Bump helmet with mounted AN/AVS-9s, Crye JPC, Hanes underwear, and a Javelin Missile Launcher with a mounted M203 to deal with unwanted trespassers from my studio apartment.

  12. 2 things:
    – "honey" now has an empty double barrel shotgun and felony charges from firing 2 shots in the air
    – someone can walk away after being shot by a .223, not likely from 00 Buck

  13. Wait wait wait… this mother fucker told his wife that if there was ever an issue, to go out onto their porch, fire two shots randomly without any care of who or what they may or may not hit, and literally demonstrate to whoever the fuck was planning on doing something bad to them that they are now out of ammunition and vulnerable to being attacked? He also said he lives in a secluded wooded area… what about people who don't? Now you're just firing randomly into a suburban or urban environment and your chances of innocent bystander casualties just skyrocketed! Especially since you're using 12 gauge buck and NOT a single fucking bullet as you would from an AR-15… And you people are taking honest advice from this guy on how to defend yourselves? America, what the fuck is wrong with you?

  14. Correction- Ar15s are not harder to aim, in fact it is a lot easier to aim… generally lighter, and less recoil. Ar15s are not harder to use, they are generally more adaptable, and have a ton less outside damage! And, in fact, 30 rounds seems like a perfect number for an Armalite Rifle, yes Armalite. Not Assault, as Sleepy Joe always claims.

  15. Biden: "Buy a shotgun."

    Thunder Ranch: "Shotguns; at the right range, with the right load, will physically remove a chunk of shit off of your opponent and throw that shit on the floor."

    Thank you Biden, very cool.

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