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Hey folks, study up on narcissisism. All Karen’s are narcissists.
The 2nd Amendment protects the 1st and the 4th without the 2nd Amendment the 1st and the 4th would not be viable.
FYI, A AR-15 is NOT an '' Assault Rifle '' !! Assault Rifles are only used by the Military !! An AR-15 only shoots a .223 cal. which is slightly more than a .22 rifle ! A .22 round is only good as a varmit or critter weapon for farmers and ranchers. IF a Soldier took a AR-15 into a Combat War he would not live very long !
Do they know a semi-auto shotgun with extended feeder tube loaded with buckshot will do more damage in close range?
Pro abortion yell, “If you don’t have a uterus, you don’t have a say.” If you don’t know what AR stands for, you don’t have a say.
Ignorant people on the left, when they don't have an answer for you, they get mad and call you name.
Armalite rifle AR ….. Hitler/Nazis came up with the name assault rifle to scared there enemies lol I laugh when people call a gun that's not being used a assault rifle lol any object can be a assault weapon if it's being used to assault some one.
Anybody, anywhere can just go down to the store and buy a gun that will shoot a million bullets a second. I saw it on my TVgod so it has to be true.
We should just call AR-15's by their name to limit confusion; Armalite-15. Solved. Also, ppl confuse bullet calibers between models. Basically, it stems from lack of gun knowledge. If they only knew…
It never ceases to amaze me how freaking ignorant people are about firearms. No one wants to admit nor blame the evil that some people do with said firearms. Any gun is an assault gun when used for assaulting people. Sick people are the problem not guns.
So many stupid people and so little time. You can't fix stupid. I have a genuine AR, made by Armalite.
Eugene Stoner designed the AR 15 as a civilian rifle. So much for the whole "military style" weapon argument.
Yo! To compare an AR-15 to a M15 is like comparing a rice rocket to a formula one racing car. The uninitiated does not understand that an AR-15 fires one round with one trigger pull and an M15 has three settings one round, three rounds burst (please correct me but I think this platform has it) and go to town on your enemy mode. Acutely there is already a gun law banning selling fully automatics to the US citizens. But, there are licenses that you can get a fully automatic and even large caliber (like a 50 cal), the only way a person can get this is if they are law enforcement or in the armed forces with a fing clean background check.
I'm a pretty laid back person, but I would have laid a MF down if they started yelling in my face.
Liberals are stupid! Prove me wrong!
Liberal crazies call it assault rifle. Conservatives call it an automatic rifle. In the end it don't make a Damn.
Leftists are the most violent groups of individuals I’ve ever witnessed
I'm from the UK and know what AR stood for i also know the difference between AUTO and SEMI AUTO . I agree with your right to bear arms and here Knife crimes are everyday and armed citizens would stop that. We get may shootings also as only criminals and the government(pretty much the same thing here) have guns. The knee jerk reactions are unbelievable
How are there that many idiotic adults? When I visualize the woke mob ruining the world I think of 18-24 year olds that excelled in school and is probably getting a collegiate degree in a useless field. Unfortunately I just saw a few disgraceful adults that are in the club
An AR-15 chambered in 5.56mm is basically an augmented .22 semiautomatic rifle. You can't even reliably hunt deer with it. Will it kill a deer? Maybe, but probably not if you don't hit it in the exact right spot.
Karen has be drinking the Libtard Kool aid.I was wandering how long it was going to take to start screaming.Hats off to Charlie I don't know how he puts up with these fools and ass clowns.
Yes because the person who had the idea for the weapon went to that company to make it his last name was stoner and is the most popular weapon made
Sorry if they take away this weapon from us, it will only make the slaughter that awaits us inevitable.
If we really want to get into the weeds, more people are killed with a hammer than any type of gun, should we ban Hammers? I see fire trucks at every fire so fire trucks must be the cause of fires, let's ban them too
Anyone who would take 5 minutes on the internet could find out that AR- does not stand for Assault Rifle but the manufacturer name Armalite (AR-malite), they also make handguns that begin with AR-. They also may be shocked to find out that an AR-15 is not considered a very powerful gun, for sure it is powerful enough but the Average hunting rifle would laugh at a scary-looking AR-15 and say get out of the way kid.
Assault rifle is a made up term
Ty, you couldn't possibly act crazier or more irrational than a leftist. It's impossible. They are on their own level of stupid and we're not even playing the same game.
What we need to get rid of is the uneducated, uninformed self entitled morons. The are the most dangerous thing on the planet right now. These leftists, if left unchecked WILL be the cause of human extinction. They must be stopped.
Even when they realize how wrong they are they do not change.Thats what drives me nuts about these kinds of people..Yelling usually wins their arguments..Most of them need to be knocked on their ass
Armalite Rifle. Eugene Stoner. Late 1950's… for civilian use. Military didn't like them at first until SecDef McNamara
It not an automatic weapon an AR15 is a
Sami – Automatic Rifle.
I agree 100%
AR in AR-15 stands for ArmaLite, the name of the company that Originated the AR 15
Neither. AR is short for Armalite, the company that designed the original. People so stupid.
An assault rifle is one that can be switched from semi-auto to full auto
I bet the same people think that AR stands for assault rifle then no WD stands for in WD-40
Im with you when it comes to my personal space
They have no idea.
Armalite Rifle. But you know the left is full of brainwashed idiots.
Guy has nice rainbow hat, stupid people so quick to want to be serf's.
These people are about as ignorant about facts about weapons as there is. Their sheer ignorance is astounding. Just a bunch of parrots repeating what their handlers told them to repeat.
yes Armalite is a company – manufactures brand just like Colt or Smith and Wesson
Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !!Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !!Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !!Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !!Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !! Assault is an action !!