Home AR-15 EXTENDED INTERVIEW: Man gives up AR-15 after school shooting in Texas

EXTENDED INTERVIEW: Man gives up AR-15 after school shooting in Texas


“It was pretty simple, didn’t take long at all,” says Port Orchard man about the process of surrendering a weapon to police.

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  1. If you're a responsible person, we need you and your gun to protect us from the criminals. We can't rely completely on the police, sometimes they don't get there in time.

  2. Better headline: "Man who doesn't understand how anything works, makes bad financial decision."

    Selling it to a gun store for a fraction of what you paid would have been by far a better choice. Raffling it off in your local "insert name of organization here" and then using the proceeds to help the family members of the Texas shooting probably would have been a better route as well.

    To legally perform a private sale here in Washington a licensed FFL must run a NICS check. Last I checked it's 6 pages on a 4473, transferee must be 21 or above, have approved I-1639 Certification Training, and come back clean on that background check. So yeah….more than one question.

  3. This guy is full of S**t in a big way. Probably never even owned an AR15. Background checks can take over two weeks AFTER you take a class. KING bought right into it, because it looks soooo good!

  4. Funny thing I just remembered. I believe after Parkland or Vegas a video of someone cutting up an AR15 poped up on here with the same exact excuse 🤔😂😅. Hey time to change up the scrip we know this one already 😆

  5. Does King 5 not even research people's sensational stories before putting them on TV? Or maybe this is something they only posted on the internet knowing they'd get away with it.

  6. The police dept sold it or will sell it
    They sell 100’s of surrendered or crime hot weapons all the time
    Police in many municipalities are biggest ffl dealers literally

  7. If anybody has anymore theyd like to get rid of safely, I offer a free service where I dispose of them inside a giant steel box that's locked up 24/7.. I call it..a gun safe

  8. I’m so tired of unconstitutional political agendas. Cmon King 5, be unbiased. Show the facts on both sides. This is a tragedy But doesn’t it raise the question on where our state and federal funding should be allocated and on top of that how we should be protecting children in schools and people in public. Police response and attrition is down nationwide and the first law of human existence is the right to self preservation which is a God given right and all Americans constitutionally should be able to protect their home in person responsibly from domestic or foreign threats.

  9. Isn't it amazing that the State of Washington instituted a streamlined background process. Last time I was in the gun store, it took about two hours to get through the paperwork, then I had to take a class, and wait 17 days. Now you just answer one question and they let you walk out with the gun? Wow!

  10. This is so staged! This person has no clue of guns terminology. If you don't have an used for an AR15 then you don't have an use for any other gun. They are all defensive tools. This is completely hypocrite and BTW buying any gun is not as easy as he makes it believe.

  11. Well thank God he gave up his AR 15 now we know he won’t go out and kill kids, or was he actually thinking that his A.R. 15 was gonna take over his mind and make him go kill children, oh my God he’s right the guns are out to kill us all😮🤫🫣 That’s like the Ukrainians saying OK the Russians are invading so let’s put down our arms and there will be no violence, you people are so freaking retarded it’s unbelievable

  12. I think his intentions were good but no matter what, there will always be a need for those eeapons to protect ourselves, family and home from the evil people that use them to kill innocent people.

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