Shooting and showing another bargain AR15, the M&P 15 Sport.
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Smith & Wesson M&P 15 is slightly better than Ruger American 556.
Absolute best AR I’ve ever owned… M&P15TS from S&W.
00:02 that's one Big ass bug chill out on that rifle,and nobody is going to mention it???
Can I come to your range and shoot an ar15 for the first
Diamondback DB15 , Del-Ton DT 15 vs MP 15 Sport = which is better????
Is that the 22lr version or do you just make it look small LOL?
The only problems I have had with my M&P15 is when I use new magazine with tight springs. I leave the mags loaded and the next time out I have no difficulties. I can run steel case ammo no problems. (Just don't mix steel and brass. Don't mix different case materials.)
How much is it to build an 80 lower AR? I just wanted to know if it is more affordable to machine the receiver and buy parts, is there any difference in price compared to buying an AR outright from a dealer?
Finally bought one of these today and can’t wait to shoot it. I have a red dot installed on it also
Back when 223 ammo was cheap and readily available. Can’t afford to just go plink plink anymore.
Thank you for this review.
Now they are about a hundred bucks more,still not bad for an AR and that's for the Smith&Wesson and the Ruger AR 556,I'm trying to decide between an AR or mini 14 but the mini is much more expensive these days not sure if I want to put out that kind of cash.
Anybody else see that horsefly when hickock picke it up for the first time
Mine was around 750
Good morning do you have a life saver on the stock?
a gun it goes bum and then it fire so cool

I'm picking up this bad boy real soon!
I LOVE my M&P Sport II rifle and pistol, as well as the 15-22 rifle and pistol. Amazing guns for the price
I have 223 556 dpms ar
I would never laugh at you I enjoy your videos thank you.
Just bought one today, 4 hours ago! Just fondling it. Haven’t even put one round through….won’t buy ammo until at the range….two small boys in the house here. Bought this one first cause the classic M-16/M-4 look. Will get a Daniel Defense one with the rails and trick that one out with a Trijicon ACOG sight, a laser designator, combat light and combat grip. But that’s not until September! Until then, ima gonna enjoy this one!
Mann I love mines
I think that is the biggest horse fly I have EVER SEEN sitting right on the rifle when you picked it up!
Not any more you cant get them for $600. Now days theyll run you $1000
My feeling too. Can’t go wrong with those older, proven US Manufacturers.
Can believe he didn't see the JAR FLY on the Rifle as he picked it up to start shooting… Also people can do all the TORTUE TEST'S that they want or shoot a Firearm 10,000 times… The Thing is… WHAT WILL IT DO WITH THAT SHOT AT THE INSTANT YOU NEED IT????
One word. Rittenhouse.
that bug he just causally throws off in the intro tho lol
7.10 bird flies for its life
I finally found someone using iron sights!!!!! Your videos are all info no fluff.
I bought my M&P sport 5 years ago for $650 that came with a forward assist and dust cover at a small mom and pop shop in California of all places. How did that happen?
my first AR15 was an M&p…very nice rifle…works…runs great. reliable, sturdy, great barrel. great base gun if you want to build off it.
Got this same exact gun..mine has a Nikon 223 on it 3-9×40..I love it..very accurate Gun!!
I'm here because of Kyle Rittenhouse. Just want to take a close look of his rifle.