CMMG conducted a complete overhaul of their product line. this is the new banshee in 300 blackout.
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I shoot a lot of 300blk. I am very opinionated about the cartridge, the accessories that I use with it, and how to “squeeze the most water out of the stone”, so to speak. Many people will disagree with things I said in this video. However, when listening to what I say and seeing what I do, i want you to know that I have well into the 6 figures worth of rounds down range on the cartridge. This is across 5 different rifles, two of which have been retired. I have been into 300blk from the beginning and I have watched it change; it’s been very cool to see something like this mature in real time. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I just ask that you question the depth of experience that formulated the opinion.
That said do want to clarify something from the video though- the magazine compatibility test. Those were all 5.56 magazines. I don’t think you need a 300blk specific magazine in most cases and a lot of the products out there are just gimmicks to separate you from more of your money. I stand by the unpopular opinion about the magpul magazines and I have demonstrated their shortcomings ad nauseam. You can be on that bandwagon and we can still be friends- but you should know that the reason the are everywhere is as follows:
They rock-bottom their pricing for OEM contracts so they become the premier magazine of choice included with your rifle when you buy it. As a manufacturer of firearms, You have to scrape every single dollar to make that rifle profitable these days; it’s just too expensive and the margin is too slim. Magpul then turns around and makes up the difference by volume selling to the consumer at a higher rate. Which is a fantastic plan (pure capitalist here). But let’s be real- They are not the best, they are just ubiquitous.
I tried looking for them but the price
1k for their 22lr
Your thoughts on the military new adoption of the 6.8 x 51?
Pmags are terrible
that’s like say a Daniel defense barrels or geissele triggers are terrible.
The Steiner Dbal D2 laser illuminator has the option for mounting either a Leaf front sight post ON the laser it or you can get it with to where it mounts even with the illuminator. You could probably put it where you currently have the front sight post. Either way though, not being able to mount stuff on the top in a stable manner is a deal breaker for me. If it can’t hold an IR laser, there is no way it’ll hold a clip on. Maybe they’ll come out with one with a full length section.
Magpul is the superior mag. A gigachad mag even.
“Magpul are terrible magizines I just throw them away”. Proceeds to use MF mag and hex mag without any bad words about them. The lancer was the only decent mag besides the magpul. C products are ok also for milspec mags.
Wait… So, you trash pmags but keep hexmags?… That caught me off guard
I’m not a fan of their new rails the old ones looked better
I just wish CMMG would add a fixed ejector to the RDB series. That’s my only complaint. My mk9 rdb kills the ejector springs within 1500 rounds.
I’d love to hear a talk from you and Yeager about PMAGS. As much as you’ve shot them, it’s a drop in the pond compared to what has gone though classes there.
My favorite 300 blackout freedom seed spreader on the market right now is the GQ Paladin. Shoots like both my honey badgers but has the one feature the donkey Badger doesn’t, being able to pivot the upper off the lower without having to deal with that pain in the ass buffer spring. It’s also way sexier than a HB too.
…… wait …. That's it? …
It comes in more colors and it's cosmetically shaped slightly different.
The forward assist is WORTHLESS.
Thank you for omitting it CMMG.
W T F r u talking about Magpul mags are garbage? Like wat?!
I really appreciate this content and creator.
CMMG still overcharging for 4140 barrels? …………..
Are the barrels still 4140?
Your head reminds me of a massive pot of sloppy joes
Only person in the world that says p mags are terrable! Haha
300acc with a 12” barrel yeah I’d just go 556 at that point if it had a 8” barrel with a handguard over the suppressor that be the way yo do it like the honey badger or the rattler idk seems like this is less exciting
Really wanna see a new mk4 banshee 9mm review
Good video.
Folks you don't have to agree with with what anyone else says, but don't take it personally.
Just enjoy life, enjoy discussing whatever, and be happy you are still above the dirt.
Who gives a hoot if someone else doesn't like your latest whizz bang, you like it and that is what is important.
PMags are good, but I like metal mags myself. Been using them since January 83 when I joined the Marine Corps. Now Marines use PMags (a Marine veteran owned company) and I own a bunch also.
Metal mags fit my old 782 and older MOLLE mag pouches better.
I'm like why are you calling me LMAO I did what

wasn't even there and I did NOT PLACE THE CAMERA BUDDY! 

Non adjustable gas but representative of future ? Hmm
You throw away magpul magazines? Just curious on why because they work great for me
I'd be real interested in CMMG making a 300BLK using their radial delayed system. No idea how well it'd work but the potential for a 300BLK without a gas system so there's not only less gassing issues. But also less variation from different ammo types sounds very interesting.
Pistol length gas system and adjustable gas blocks are the two most common solutions I've found to increase reliability.
complain about pmags but not hex or mft mags and a lack of forward assist.