Home Nikon H&R slug gun

H&R slug gun

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  1. PS: Lookin at taking a boar down in Zaleski State Forest this summer. Any more videos with this gun would be much appreciated. Do you know anything about extra parts for this gun? Like a new stock, barrel, trigger, etc…

  2. Love that gun. Bought the same one without the thumbhole. Put hornady slugs through. Kicks like a mule but man is it accurate. Even with a red dot sight (looking at Nikon Slughunter for my scope, actually).

  3. @TJHunting yea, little bit different here, that shoots bb's and pellets, this shoots a massive slug, hence the name, its basically a shotgun with a smooth or rifled bore and no choke

  4. Ha Ha, coyotes are fine as long as you dont want to keep the pelt. My h&r slugger is accurate out to 200 yards is as far as i have shot it. I can nail water bottles at 100 all day and 200 is well within 2 inch groups.

  5. If thats a 12 i have the same model. I love this gun, though i havent taken any deer with it yet i shot a coyote at 84 yards which blew a softball sized entrance and exit hole in it. I havent shot mine a WHOLE lot. I havent even shot it over 100 yards including gettin it sighted in for deer season. About how far would you say its reasonable out to(yards)?

  6. Yes it is. For this gun, they take a standard 10-gauge barrel and instead of boring it out to .775 inches, it is bored out to .729 inches (the inner diameter of a 12-gauge). This gives the gun more mass and therefore more stability than your typical weight 12-gauge. The barrel is rifled (as stated in the description, read the beginning), so it should be used with sabot slugs.

  7. A slug gun (here in the states) is a shotgun specifically designed for usage with a shotgun slug round (a single projectile). This gun has a 10-gauge barrel bored out to 12-gauge diameter, so it has more stability than your typical 12-gauge single-shot shotgun. The barrel is also rifled – being able to put spin on sabot slugs.

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