Aero EPC 9 modified to accept CMMG Radial Delayed Blowback (RDB) BCG and Barrell.
Cycles and Clears. I removed the Hammer for this demo.
Reddut User MorningStarCornDog was the first get a RDB into the EPC.
I have some improvements on the technique.
After a successful range trip, I will make an instructional video and always be safe.
Ammo is a mix of 124 HP and 147 FMJ
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is the barrel cmmg or aero ? i thought the bcg was proprietary to the barrel ,
Awesome, can you post your experience at the range too, aww how it eject with the 9mm upper receiver ejector port
Nice work sir! I'm glad I could be an inspiration!
Definetly not roller delayed. But congrats on getting it running.