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  1. I'm still waiting for someone to make essentially a range xylophone, with all the sharps and flats and start playing songs when they get dialed in enough. Just imagine the accompanying possibilities, the encore even.

  2. Sponsored? Please just go back to your grass roots. The dramatic music, pushing products. This is so great, look at the fit and finish, bla, bla, bla.
    If your getting a kick back from companies, just say. Be upfront and honest. People respect honesty. If your selling a bill of goods, you will called out and loose respect. If the fee paid is worth your integrity. You have sold out, is profit worth it? You decide!

  3. I noticed the guns CMMG sends to youtubers and reviewers work, but the ones they send to customers don't.

    The recoil on the 9mm radial delay blowback guns is extremely jarring and sharp. It's like shooting a 308. Couldn't be further from smooth or light recoiling. If you want a gun that runs smoother, grab an A3 Stribog, MP5, or MPX.

    These CMMG guns ain't it.

    If you pull the bolt carrier back on the CMMG RDB, you'll see it goes a bit before the "delay" lugs engage the barrel extension. That's why the action is not delayed. It's already scooting.

    Also, on extraction, after the casing clears the barrel, but before the casing exits the barrel extension, ejection has begun. If the casing clears the receiver, it's luck. The extension and receiver are for 223 length cases and prevent them from hopping off the extractor until the mouth of the case reaches the ejection port. 9mm cases are too short for that. The only way to eject a 9mm case from a gun with such a large distance between bolt face and ejection port is to not begin ejection until the case is at the ejection port. That's why all 9mm SMGs and PCCs with similar distance have fixed ejectors. Ones that don't have the distance have tiny little bolts right at the ejection port, like the Thompson. I've got a rack of SMGs and PCCs that run like dreams. All of them have ejectors back at the ejection port. That way ejection isn't a hope and a prayer.

  4. Very nice, new Banshee! Now you just get 1 pick, and its a great gun.
    I do like all those new gadgets Crimson Trace is making. And they seem to be affordable for the average fella. If they stay thay way??? They will sell tons more, than going up on their prices!

  5. You can see from the recoil that it's not that much less than blowback. I converted my Extra EP9 to CMMG RDB and was not too impressed with the "recoil reduction". Is it less? Yes. Is it worth the extra money and extra moving parts over blow back? No.

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