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Son,s of Gun,s made one of these years ago on their TV show !
Afarin! The name is perfect.
3 barret 50 cal gatling gun
Send it to Ukraine…
Years ago red jacket firearms on the discovery channel made something similar to this. I believe they used shotguns though..
900Th Comment
ATF Incoming. lol
you need dual action triggers! it fires as you pull and fires when you release, ohhh wait the second shot may be to far off in the timing……..
So question ……"How many TAX stamps you need to get to be legal?"
BATF: A Merry-Go-Round is a machinegun.
I need one to mount onto my truck bed please.
ATF in 3…2…1…
That’s quite the little thingy!

The New Mad Max Fury Road movie producers would like to talk to you.
I’d say the jamming isn’t entirely the recoils fault but definitely not holding the entire thing straight definitely helps jam it
very cool to see all the boys out together! reminds me a bit of a similar gun that they made on "sons of guns" 10 years back or so.
You guys remind me of my crazy, drunk, uncle.
I want this in AA-12.
For anyone who doubts the effectiveness of 5.56…
Four doors more whores
You pointed it at him at the beginning. Shame.
Bro bro it sounds like an idea from the 1940s 3 Gun Erlande attach
I wanna to belt buckle it says… No more advertising
Nothing mew there… The show Sons of Guns did it waaaaayyyy back with Saiga 12s xD
There's one wicked piece of firepower.
Seen a video a while back of a guy who did this but with AK's and was selling the rig by commission, it was hand cranked though.
Please put some sights on that!
ATF Rul. 81-4
The National Firearms Act, 26 U.S.C. 5845(b) defines “machine gun” to include any combination of parts designed and intended for use in converting a weapon to shoot automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.
Since you push one button to rotate the rifles which makes them fire as well, the ATF may be consider this a "machine gun". Might want to be careful guys.
Thanks a lot guys. Now the ATF is gonna declare 'little thingies' are machine guns.
Freaking YouTube sucks ! Twitter is awesome !!!!!!!!!!
I like he says IM READY
sounds like SpongeBob IM READYYYYY
Looks like something i'd find in Borderlands