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NRA-ILA | After Countless Efforts to Eviscerate Second Amendment, Anti-Gun Activists Appear Ready to Turn on Anti-Gun Democrats


There are few who would disagree that Joe Biden is the most anti-gun president this country has ever experienced. He ran on an anti-gun platform, his campaign was supported by tens-of-millions of dollars from anti-gun extremists (although, fairly ineffectively), and whenever he tries to stem the hemorrhaging of his plummeting approval ratings, he usually turns to attacks on the Second Amendment. Its often the same message over and over and over again.

But that does not seem to satisfy many of the gun-ban proponents who worked so hard to put Biden in the White House.

The old dig, What have you done for me, lately,” seems to resonate deeply within the bowels of the anti-gun extremist movement, although a bit unfairly, it could be argued.

Biden, in fact, has done quite a bit for the anti-gun movement; both in the past and recently. He constantly promoted anti-gun policies during his primary campaign, then brought on Kamala Harris as his running mate to create the most anti-gun presidential ticket in American history. Their campaign pushed gun control as a major part of its platform, even as anti-gun media outlets chose to bury information exposing Bidens anti-gun views.

Biden has repeatedly pushed his anti-gun messaging since he began his occupation of the White House, and even went so far as to nominate an anti-gun lobbyist to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in an effort to placate the anti-gun extremists who supported his election.

Of course, we all know how that worked out.

Most recently, Biden announced a new firearm rule, as well as another anti-gun nominee to head ATF.

In spite of all this, many anti-gun extremists are still angry. We told you about an anti-gun website that appears to blame Biden for firearm-related violent crime. It is still operating, even after Bidens latest moves.

Now there are reports that some of these same extremists may be turning from blaming Biden to targeting anti-gun Democrats in Congress in upcoming primaries. An article posted to PBS.org stated the anti-gun organization March for Our Lives (MOL) is ratcheting up pressure on Democrats to take action” to impose new restrictions on the Second Amendment.

The group for the first time is backing primary challenges this spring and summer to Democratic incumbents who havent prioritized the issue,” according to the article. While there is no indication as to which Democrat incumbents will be targeted, the message seems to be clear: Stating support for anti-gun legislation is not enough, nor is voting for it; you must make assaults on the Second Amendment your primary reason for holding office.

One gun-ban lobbyist associated with MOL explained his frustration with his inability to make all Democrats do his anti-gun bidding. Im just angry,” he said. We took the House and then we took the Senate and now we have the White House, too, and still, nothing is changing.”

The group even went so far as to stage a publicity stunt outside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumers (D) New York office, dropping body bags off to show their displeasure. Schumer, of course, is one of the most anti-gun senators to ever hold office. He has authored anti-gun bills, held countless anti-gun press conferences, and has pushed gun control for decades.

But, according to the angry” anti-gun lobbyist, that doesnt appear to be good enough.

Democrats suck at fulfilling these (anti-gun) promises,” he said.

Perhaps those promises are just too out-of-step with the American people, who (correctly) dont see gun control as a solution to Americas current crime crisis. Well know for sure this November, when voters will be given the clear choice between candidates who respect their Second Amendment rights and those who blame law-abiding gun owners for the actions of criminals.

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