Um, yeah this thing is awesome.
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Intro made by
Intro music is called “Club Diver” by Kevin MacLeod from incompetech.com.
Outro music is from machinimasound.com

Um, yeah this thing is awesome.
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Intro made by
Intro music is called “Club Diver” by Kevin MacLeod from incompetech.com.
Outro music is from machinimasound.com
Cooter is a total perv
Ooo i remember this one
Was tactical Jake the voice of creepy Cuder, and the guy that died on a 4 wheeler?
@ 4:07 , did Matt say his first cuss word?
Been watching him for over 5 years, I've never seen this one.
This is actually THE all-around perfect home defense weapon. Fewer legal issues, no over penetration, less likely to kill, lots of power. Fill a tennis ball with some concrete and everything is good.
Is this thing a grenade launcher?
So that is where all the trash is coming from in Alabama. Trashiest State in America.
Someone talk to me about how I can attach this to a lower and have it not technically be a firearm. If I get an 80% lower and Mill nothing out but the trigger am I able to
I have to admit, I missed seeing Creepy Cooter on the channel! He always made for a good time!
Seven years ago. Fuck im Old
Wish you shot a 40 oz beer bottle through it
Where can I get this!?! Please!!!!
Let me kno!!!
Vienna sausage cans work the best
You should try it with frozen cans
Shoot your friend with a tennis ball.
3:36 Mortar inbound!!
Registered as a toy?
'Any' resemblance to 'one' static, nonstatic, living and/or dead is coincidental. Discretion and discernment may be advised.
Here in 2021 and loving it.
Porno quality Demo Ranch days.

Going back in time and seeing Jake again T-T Rip Jake.
It's criminal that y'all didn't think to shake those up real hard first
The sound of the freeway in the distance…
Ah yes finally a real life pepsi launcher
Can you slightly freeze the cans?
Meanwhile, in GTA V… from in the woods you hear Michael De Santa: "Stop firing cans at my house!"
Now fill a bunch of Coors light silver bullets full of some kind of fuel accelerant and then finish off the target area with a flare gun
So many great uses for this
If you fill those cans with gasoline then you would own a perfectly legal grenade launcher
I want to see you fill one with sand!!! Or rocks! Or concrete!