Home CMMG Eliminating 22lr AR bolt bounce using the BoreBuddy weight kit

Eliminating 22lr AR bolt bounce using the BoreBuddy weight kit


The bolt bounce is eliminated using the BoreBuddy kit. Get yours:

Footage: 960 frames per second

16.1″ CMMG Heavy Taper dedicated 22lr barrel w/ A2 flash hider
ALG EMR-V0 rail
CMMG bolt and dedicated 22lr collar with polished feed ramp
Mil-spec upper/lower with Magpul furniture
LaRue MBT-2S (Heavy trigger spring installed)

BoreBuddy reliability parts:
pressure plug, bolt buffer, charging handle insert, 500% extractor spring, heavy firing pin spring, custom firing pin

Music Sappheiros – Lights

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  1. I tried my cmmg 22 kit on my Anderson-del ton today..it fired right up.. accurate too..i noticed a bolt bounce right from jump..im sure cmmg knows this is happening.. everything is dependent on bolt spring. To take different kinds of loads and velocity..its a balance they had to engineer..i have no idea what weight system id even try..todays break in i had 3 light strikes out of 50 rds..breaking in..idk..be safe..

  2. I take it this is for a single purpose AR22 and not a CMMG adapted AR15. With the amount of bounce back, rapid fire would not be possible without jams. I got 300+ rounds through mine so far in an AR556, and only once did it jam, and that was because of a bad cased 22 that I didn't catch.

  3. The stimulus bundle has my build running amazing with 2 large tungsten weights and high velocity ammo. most fun you can have with your clothes on. Its a dedicated 22lr cmmg bolt n barrel. i had to polish the feed ramp and chamber , but once I had the bore buddy adjusted and ejection at 3-4 o clock I've ran hundreds of rounds without a jam or hiccup. I'm glad I didn't throw the gun in the lake like I had thought of! The reliability kit is worth it's weight in gold if you have a problem 22lr ar

  4. Does Bore Buddy, make that same device for 9mm PCC's? The 9mm PCC"s have much more recoil than a .223!! I have 2, 9mm PCC"s, I've changed springs, & buffers, put entirely different systems in, to somewhat eliminate the recoil, to no avail!!! I bought that S&W M&P 15-22 pistol a few weeks ago, ''tried'' to fire it last Weds, on one of my days off. The key word is ''tried!!" It was double & triple feeding, failing to eject, all kinds of things. So, I took it to my local gunsmith, and he didn't even pull the bolt back to inspect it, he said to me, ''Jay, you're missing the extractor, spring, & plunger!! I looked at him and said, "What the Fuck, it's a brand new gun?" He said S&W has been having "issues'' with these pistols, shipping them out without those parts, not the 15-22 rifles, only the pistols. He said to call S&W and they will send the parts to you, free of charge!! So that's what I did. The customer service rep said they will be here between 7 & 10 days. Will the Bore Buddy work on the bolt of a CMMG conversion kit? Thanks, Jay

  5. I ordered the Gen 3 adjustable weight kit yesterday, because I'm not a fan of bolt bounce. Will the cyclic rate be reduced a noticeable amount in the H3 configuration? I enjoy binary trigger mag dumps and I'd like to be able to maintain that ridiculous cadence on occasion, if possible. If not, oh well.

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