Home AR-15 What's your favorite AR-15 Receiver Extension Jig/Block?

What's your favorite AR-15 Receiver Extension Jig/Block?


1) Botach/Kley Zion – KZ AR15/M4 Receiver Extension Buffer Tube Block (Silver)

2) NcStar/Vism- AR15 Lower Receiver Vice Block (Blue)

3) TacOneSports/TechCo – AR15 Receiver Extension Tube Jig (Green)

4) Geissele – Reaction Block (Black)

5) Present Arms – MA1 Gunners Mount & Lower Receiver Block & Receiver Alignment Block (Grey Nylon)

6) Dual Vise Setup (Shown in a previous video)

7) Magazine Well Block (Not Shown)

8) No Jig (Not Shown)

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  1. I'm using a two-vice setup with the Geissele Reaction Block and a magwell block, but I've been wanting one of those new green jigs. Seeing the NcStar Vism (blue) jig – it looks good, too. Can't find either available at this time.

  2. My NcSTAR VISM lower receiver vice block arrived yesterday. I haven't used it yet but it should make things a bit easier, and not just with the castle nut and receiver extension alignment.

  3. Precision Applications jig…worked like a champ in class. It may not be needed, sort of like those gifted individuals with calibrated arms that don't need a torque wrench, but it sure makes life easier.

  4. "This is currently our favorite ….", Oh, that's nice. Let's see how much that one – WHOA! What the – you can buy a Ruger 1022 for that. Not on sale. This was a poorly chosen price with competition in the marketplace as it is. Now let's just hope NCstar doesn't get a wild hair up their butt and think they're Gisselle too.

  5. I'm from the shoulda/woulda/coulda camp and should've bought the Geiselle when there weren't 200 doll hairs.

    Have the Kley Zion; it works but it's the least elegant of the selections shown and I had a bit of marring/aluminum transfer while torquing the castle nut.

  6. The jig I use is from a company called Carbon Polymer Solutions … I'm quite certain it wouldn't suit your needs for the kind of work you do but it does well for me as a home builder. I've been using it for quite a few new years now.

  7. Two vises mounted on unistrut with twist nuts to center them easily. Mag block in one, aluminum angle over the jaws of the other.

    Definitely not perfect, but will get really good alignment and is field expedient

  8. So glad I found your channel..all the cool guys aside.the AR is my favorite gun…it's low recoil and perfect for my uses.. everything but whitetail..for that I use a 30-30savage or a slug gun..bless you guys .thanx for the vidio..so c glad I found the channel..🙏❤️👍🙏✌️

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