Trained professionals instagram-@mbnseth
FOR LEGAL REASONS THIS IS NOT MY FIREARM THE OWNER Legally owns this and I just shot it

Trained professionals instagram-@mbnseth
FOR LEGAL REASONS THIS IS NOT MY FIREARM THE OWNER Legally owns this and I just shot it
I hope a ant didn’t get demolished
A wise man once said…
"That's not full auto… THIS is full auto!"
He let the bush have it

OK but do you wanna drive it cause they were like people shooting or something and I actually heard it all the way from my house and that was actually really scary
Poor ducks
Me want!!! Have shot…
One of the best ways you can spend $35
POV you just wanted corn
Time to get demonitized buddy
I think that this is a method called "bump firing"
You can't own a full auto weapon as a civilian
And ar-15s are typically not full Auto
Correct me if I'm wrong
AR-15’s don’t have a legal fully auto variant… That would be and M4 or M16 platform.
That would be an m4
Craziest part about this video? He hunting turtles. Mmmmmmmmurica!
If it was alligators out there they hit
Vietcong in the bush :เป็นบ้าอะไรที่คุณเห็นฉันที่นี่
American police when they release the darkness is black:
Mexicans hiding in the bush:

The spray tho, spreads a lot
Just in a silly goofy mood
Bro I think you got him
not the same sound as in pubg
Roses are red, violets are blue, the ATF wants nothing more than to imprison you.
So now that you are trained to shoot go to Ukraine and fight against the Russians
What the fuck was it was it bigfoot did you get it
R.I.P Bigfoot “They didn’t have to do em like that.”
Me as a wildlife photographer, hiding in that particular bush:

Also how do you have 4500 views but 15000 likes?
Ar15s are rifles with panties
vietnamies hiding in bushes be like

When the clown runs at you
Ayo you didn't have to shoot that person so many times… I mean one usually does the trick…. so I hear… from a friend of a friend's second cousin.
Go fight a real war.
What is he shooting tho..?!
It seems to me like he’s compensating for something
At least wear long sleeves, Don't underestimate the ability of the glowies to fuck people over.
Especially when you show something as identifiable as full sleeve tattoos when shooting (what I assume is) an illegal machine gun.
Try and be more careful, They don't fuck around. They've put people in federal for less.
You better get that damn Bigfoot mother flower
Fr15 rare Breed trigger
I miss that life
Mande lo a Ucrania a ver si es verdad
Chop it up son
Uhmm…sir imma just…. Call the atf..
A fully loaded arshole x2
They try to label an AR-15 as a rifle